Gardner-Osman and the Nature of Truth

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Digest: This is about Christianity and Genetics. The Psychoanalytic view considers the phantasm/reality. Genetic Engineering of great historical figures is made possible. This post describes two opposit extrems which may encompass what is real.

With an excerpt of Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner, a message to Zenon goto original post gives a excellent opportunity for stressing out what question and debate challenges the future of Christianity in the third millennium.
In his book on Jesus' lineage, Gardner mentions Osman, whose thesis he summarizes, about Akhnaton-Moses. This is especially interesting since Gardner and Osman support two opposite hypothesis about Jesus. For Osman: Jesus is not an historical individual but a fiction, based on earlier repressed events. For Gardner: Jesus is so historical that he had children, and his lineage would be still alive today.

What Gardner-Osman's opposite views represent for our time and close future is summarized as follow:

Osman stands for Sigmund Freud's interpretation. In Freud's claim, Moses had been murdered as a father figure. A guilt complex result. It is expressed into a rule of war between nations. With this Death Drive for background, the end of our century reveals weird pictures (genetics) as possibilities in an apocalyptic world. Instead of Jesus Christ, concludes Osman, one should better worship Tutankhamon; as there is little doubt that cloning has already begun, including for some extinct species, we have all the ingredients for an uncanny - to say the least - 'resurrection' .

Hopefully, old age can think about something else - but not young people. The possibility of a 'collapsed Christianity' must be addressed by Western world.

On the other side, Gardner emphasizes that the historical Jesus was from the Hellenist partisans (Westernized Jews), and was eventually crucified in consequences of this. The Hellenist view supports that Akhnaton-Moses was not murdered. Threats upon his life were escaped, and he delivered the completion of his teaching in the Greek (i.e. Hellenist) community. Therefore guilt in civilization has no other ground than the fruit of a Conspiracy, originated by the successors of Akhnaton who made believe that they had killed him and that Egypt was intact, without 'leak'.
This second perspective explains also the history of Alchemy and provides genetics with another view of the resurrection prophecy.

The excerpt mentioned in the message follows, as well as the comments

To: <>
Date: samedi 22 mai 1999 01:56
Subject: Moses/Akhnaten

I'm pretty much convinced that Moses and Akhnaten were one and the same person. Last year I read a book, Bloodline of the Holy Grail...the hidden lineage of Jesus revealed, by Laurence Gardner. Within those pages was a short testimony to that fact.

Here is the excerpt:

It transpires, therefore, that the alternative 'Jewish Reckoning' is more accurate than the 'Standard Chronology': Joseph went to Egypt not in the early 18th century BC but in the early 15th century BC. There he was appointed Chief Minister to Tuthmosis IV (ruled c. 1413-1405 BC). To the Egyptians, however, Joseph the Vizier was known as Yuya, and his story is particularly revealing not just in relation to the Biblical account of Joseph but also in respect of Moses. The Cairo-born historian and linguist Ahmed Osman has made an in-depth study of these personalities in their contemporary Egyptian environment, and his findings are of great significance.

When Pharaoh Tuthmosis died, his son married his sibling sister Sitamun (as was the Pharaonic tradition) so that he could inherit the throne as Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Shortly afterwards he also married Tiye, daughter of the Chief Minister (Joseph/Yuya). It was decreed, however, that no son born to Tiye could inherit the throne. Because of the overall length of her father Joseph's governorship there was a general fear that the Israelites were gaining too much power in Egypt. So when Tiye became pregnant, the edict was given that her child should be killed at birth if a son 1st Comment. Tiye's Jewish relatives lived a Goshen, and she herself owned a summer palace a little upstream at Zarw, where she went to have her baby. She did indeed bear a son - but the royal midwives conspired with Tiye to float the child downstream in a reed basket to the house of her father's half-brother Levi 2nd Comment.

The boy, Aminadab (born around 1394 BC), was duly educated in the eastern delta country by the Egyptian priests of Ra. In his teenage years he went to live at Thebes. By that time, his mother had acquired more influence than the senior queen, Sitamun, who had never borne a son and heir to the Pharaoh, only a daughter who was Nefertiti 3rd Comment. In Thebes, Aminadab could not accept the Egyptian deities and their myriad idols, and so he introduced the notion of Aten 4th Comment, an omnipotent God who had no image. Aten was thus an equivalent of the Hebrew 'Adonai' (a title borrowed from the Phoenician and meaning 'Lord') in line with Israelite teachings. At that time Aminadab (Hebrew equivalent of Amenhotep-'Amun is pleased') changed his name to Akhenaten (servant of Aten).

Pharaoh Amenhotep then suffered a period of ill health. Because there was no direct male heir to the royal house, Akhenaten married his half sister Nefertiti in order to rule as co-regent during this difficult time. When in due course Amenhotep III died, Akhenaten was able to succeed as Pharaoh - officially called Amenhotep IV.

Akhenaten and Nefertiti had six daughters and a son, Tutankhaten. Pharaoh Akhenaten close all the temples of the Egyptian gods and built new temples to Aten. He also ran a household that was distinctly domestic - quite different from the kingly norm in ancient Egypt. On many fronts he became unpopular - particularly with the priests of the former national deity Amun (or Amen) and of the sun god Ra (or Re). Plots against his life proliferated. Loud were the threats of armed insurrection if he did not allow the traditional gods to be worshipped alongside the faceless Aten. But Akhenaten refused, and was eventually forced to abdicate in short-term favour of his cousin Smenkhare, who was succeeded by Akhenaten's son Tutankhaten. On taking the throne at the age of about 11, Tutankhaten was obliged to change his name to Tutankhamun. He, in turn, was only to live and rule for a further nine of ten years, meeting his death while still comparatively young.

Akhenaten, meanwhile, was banished from Egypt. He fled with some retainers to the remote safety of Sinai, taking with him his royal sceptre topped with a brass serpent. To his supporters he remained very much the rightful monarch, the heir to the throne from which he had been ousted, and he was still regarded by them as the Mose, Meses or Mosis (heir/born of) - as in Tuthmosis (born of Tuth) and Rameses (fashioned of Ra)

-end of excerpt.

Is there any in-depth literature out there that I might obtain on this topic. When will all of the lies be finally put to rest and the plain Truth be accepted for just what it is...the Truth.

At the end of the above excerpt, this generous reader wonders when the lies will end. Perhaps does it end with Gardner, or with Osman, perhaps will Truth be, always available, simple and plain.

In project, the nature of Truth is seen as political fact. Its history is Biology.
Here follow some comments about the political aspect.

1) The conditions at birth of Oedipus match exactly Gardner-Osman description of Akhnaton's. <back to text>

2) There is something however curious when the tale of "the child downstream in a reed basket" is not refered to the similar one of Sargon's.
Sargon was one of the early founders of the Babylonian Empire. His stella has been revealed by archeology, where he wrote that his mother had laid him downstream in a reed basket etc...It is quite obvious that Moses' birth story echoes Sargon's. Gardner is not obliged to mention the Sargon anteriority, for he is not obliged to attribute it to Akhnaton. Why does he lay this tale there?
There are really no evidence for Tiye putting his sonn in a reed basket. Why should Garner use this story for such a childish feeling? <back to text>

3) In the same way, he describes the young Akhnaton with a genuine impusle against the Egyptian naive religion. But it is again a childish description of the political decisions of the leader of the greatest empire in the ancient time. Akhnaton had been intesively educated and his decisions were calculated. Moreover he could not act without a group of politicians which were thinking about the political ways to hold together the various cultures of people who inhabited the Egyptian  territory. Even to think that Akhnaton was a dreamer - as still some Egyptologists do - is, indeed, a dream. <back to text>

4) There is simply no evidence that Nefertiti was the daughter of Sitamun. <back to text>

On this last comment, I try to preserve my own bet - which is that Nefertiti was from the Aegean Lands. There are no evidence either. But this is participating in an attempt for understanding Akhnaton's behavior as one of a rationalist and simple practical man looking for unifying the East Mediterranean.
When Mickael Gorbatchev attempted to change the government of his country, it was not just because he could not accept the mentality of the party any more, as a genius divine child would do. Beside his honorable demonstration for objectivity, Gardner compromises with a supposed infantilism of his readers.

About the biological aspect, the initial chapter of the page goto emailist post
shows how Christian issues and where Christinatiy are provoked.
It implies questions and positions about the Science of genetics
that this civilization has developed




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