Plural Analysis

PLural ANalysis aka PLAN

PLAN - known in the past as the Art of Memory - is an easy group management technique, updated for a world which is affected by Cybernetics. It is a leading adaptation management by increased awareness of social and ecological environment.

PLAN applies a procedure of distributed extractions during working sessions of teams, research and communal groups - as shown with an animated illustration.

The Way of PLAN

PLAN is applicable on the working place or on-line electronic conferences.
CYBEK also supplies training and follow-up/support.

Demo - theory and practical description are emailed on request. Detailed and personnalized information is also provided in membership area, with consultation at no extra-charges

NOTE: In some cases, a group can elect or hire a lay assistant who will apply PLAN simple technique.
Though quite easy in its form, it must be warned that PLAN's effects are important. Psychological supervision is often necessary. Memory effects and increased awareness may happen to induce intense social experiences and rapid adaptations to situations or factor which were previously undetected. In the past, the Art of Memory was often applied in extreme situations.

{Dr William Theaux also consults and provide eMail psychotherapy program, an initiative which will soon become usual trhoughout the internet, and already prepared when he developed the use of telephone when he offered psychotherapy in France}

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