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CYBEK - Literature Contents


In addition to the Web Pages (over 300) - Cybek's membership gives access to over 40 Articles and Books (below)

CYBEK's literature represents a unique and possibly exceptional corpus of work and information. The turn of the millennium has shown the recovery of the Art of Memory as PLAN disclosing the origins of the industrial civilization (Primal Scene in Egypt/Atonism, foundation of Ecology and political Pluralism). First opened with Freud, the final phase of this release has covered the last fifteen years of the 20th century and could thus be indexed and electronically archived on line. This first story and unique interpretation of the founding of Monotheism, listed below, can be retrieved and studied in a variety of formats - for lay people, New Age and scholars.

eBooks and Articles

Each document can be downloaded and/or viewed from the members area - access one time $15 fee.
(additional fees are subjected to be implemented in the future)
Visit also Web Pages, all free for members.

Dr William Theaux & Zenon Kelper

The Veil (eBook)

The French series (books & articles)

English Collection (books & articles)

Web Sites

Current documents
yellow background indicates fundamentals/recommended

updates monthly announced to members

In English - added to the Web Pages Series which are mostly in English, list of English files follow:

NOTE regarding the free or purchase documents: once applied the $15 one time members fee, any 'free' document can be downloaded and/or consulted on-line. Any documents in the 'plus' category can be then downloaded and/or consulted on-line, for a single one time $15 supplementary fee. Some and rare documents require a higher ($400) payment for privacy and ethical reasons.

1992/07/21 - Opening 20th Book
Transcript of four opening Videos
Presence of Akhnaton
The Setting of Plural Analysis
Psychoanalysis and Cybernetics
Psychoanalysis and Ecology
free for members
1993/07/07 Male Spirit
eMail list threads regarding gender and ecology mentalities relationships
free for members
1994/01/18 Oz mind
eMail list threads regarding Psychoanalysis and New Age mentalities relationships
1994/05/04 Ecology News Group
eMail list threads regarding New Age and ecology mentalities relationships
1994/07/10 On Norman Simms
About theory of History of Mentalities
1994/08/01 General Maleness
eMail list threads regarding New Age mentality and Male Identity relationships
1994/09/22 Psychoanalysis & Ecology
The Freudian Unconscious as an intuition of the 3rd Millennium concept for Environment
free for members
1994/09/25 Scientific Moralization (E.Durkheim & Ecology)
Following E.Kant's Moral Reason, a scientific understanding of Morality
free for members
1994/10/06 Sacrifice of State against Sacrifice of Children
Reviewing the ideology of a New York school of Psychohistory
free for members
1994/10/13 From Embryo to Homunculus
Neurocortical projection of the sex organs and theory of libido
free for members
1994/11/18 The Significant of Transmission
Sexual discourse and representation of the transmision of Y chromosome
free for members
1994/11/26 Conception of Time 1st : Keep memory
Biological mean of transmision of a notion of Time
free for members
1994/11/27 Conception of Time 2nd : Perception of Duration
Sense of History and possibility of an Ecology
free for members
1995/04/24 Monocentrique Ressource
Practical human mass ideologisation of the Significand One (Lecture given at the United Nations in NY)
1995/11/25 Sociology questions Nature
Necessity for a Sociology to to articulate to laws of genetics (Logic of Code)
free for members
1996/07/25 Alpha - the first step of Akhnaton in Cyberspace
First Volume of three of a novel, scuttled by a University Professor
1996/12/01 to Present - www.akhnaton.net - complete and extensive site in members area
The 20th century first and integral identification of Akhnaton in Civilization by Zenon Kelper
free for members
1998 to Present - www/dnafoundation.com - complete and extensive site in members are
Restoration of the Art of Memory in the 20th century
free for members
1999 THE VEIL - processing ebook free for members
PLural ANalysis and American Psychoanalytic Association
Exhaustive description in depth of PLAN (Plural Analysis)
free for members
John Delanay free for members


Excerpts Links

The atheism and politics of Akhnaton

To Harvey # 1999-06-13 17:23:17

In French

NOTE concernant les droits d'entree et acahts de documents. Une fois paye les $15 de subscription de membre tous documents libelles 'free' peuvent etre acquis et/ou consultes. Un seul versement supplementaire de 15$ est requis pour tous les documents de la categorie 'plus'. Quelques rares documents sont accessibles individuellement au prix eleve de $400 pour des raisons d'ethique et de vie privee.

The update of the Art of Memory (Analyse Plurielle) as well as its results regarding the Primal Scene of Ecology, took place in France betweem 1985 and 1995. Reports, essays, interpretation and theory were written in French
1984/11/18 Theaux see abstract
Orphisme et Lacanism - une restructuration du langage (linguistique)
1985/01/21 Abandon de Famille see abstract
Dossier administratif de la procedure penale contre William Theaux (dissidence)
1985/08/25 L'ame Hors see abstract
Technique de Meditation et Lacanisme (psychologie)
1985/12/01 Latresse see abstract
Biographie et Histoire collective (histoire)
1986/09/18 Ordonc see abstract
Compte-rendu original de la fondation psychanalytique de William Theaux (psychologie)
free for members
1987/04/23 D'Amoa a Lestre see abstract
Les organes de la decouverte de la Scene Primitive (histoire) - compilation:
La Circonstance Occidentale
La Fonction de l'Organe
LESTRE (phenomenology)
free for members
1987/07/18 Fleuve see abstract
Structure collectives et sociales d'une fondation ecologique (ecologie) - compilation:
Marxisme et Intelligence Pratique (industrie de la matiere premiere et Logique du Code)
Structure de la Decouverte (les etapes majeures, astronomes & psychanlaystes compares)
free for members
1988/06/01 Fonction Paternelle see abstract
Lettres de William Theaux durant sa separation de sa fille (dissidence)
1989/01/01 Akhenaton ou la Veritable Identite de Moise et d'Oedipe see abstract
Premiere declaration formelle durant le 20em siecle, de la triple identite d'Akhenaton (histoire)
free for members
1989/01/14 PSO see abstract
Second compte-rendu de la fondation psychanalytique de William Theaux (psychologie) - compilation:
Cil s'agit d'UNEFPE
Audit Adequate
and others...
free for members
1989/02/01 Neuf see abstract
Premiere interpretation de l'histoire suivant l'identification d'Akhenaton (histoire) - compilation:
Histoire de l'Ecriture
Dissidence Europeenne
and others...
1989/09/21 Mon Pere see abstract
Dialogue romance, synthetique et populaire, decrivant l'identification d'Akhnaton (histoire)
free for members
90/01/28 La Psychanalyse Plurielle see abstract
Formulation sociologique de l'Analyse Plurielle (ecologie)
Photocentrisme, Republique et Famille
Psycho-Analyse Plurielle
De l'Hermetisme a la Sociologie
4em Developpement de l'Analyse Plurielle
free for members
1990/02/22 Akhenaton et la Psychanalyse Francaise see abstract
Effets de resistance et reaction scientifique (ecologie)
Akhenaton et la rememoration Freudienne
Akhenaton Hermes et la Science
free for members
1992/07/21 Livre 20
Fin de l'Analyse Plurielle d'UNEFPE - debut de la periode internationale (histoire)
Akhenaton & la Psychanalyse Plurielle
Lecture d'A.Osman
La connaissance Chretienne d'Akhnaton
Apport Sociolinguistique Lecture de M.Bernal
Lecture d'A.Koestler
1993/11/18 Presentation de CRUFP
Compte-Rendu d'Une F.P. (ecologie)
free for members
1994/02/08 Quadesh en 1994 & Scene Primitive
Premiere description de la repetition de la Scene Primitive : Pere est-ce trois Ka? Ah, ah , ah! (histoire)
free for members
1994/07/30 Interview
Sejour a Milan/Italie - description de l'Analyse Plurielle et de l'Ecologie (ecologie)
free for members
1994/08/01 Le Monocentrisme Egyptien de Freud
Traduction de la lecture donnees dans les sous-sols de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (histoire)
free for members
1994/08/20 L'Enfance en France
Transcription de la video dite A Quatre Pattes interpretant la politique familiale la veille des clones (psycholgie)
1994/09/22 Situation de la Psychanalyse
Note de voyage (ecologie)
free for members
1994/09/25 Moralisation Scientifique (E.Durkheim & Ecology)
Traduction d'une presentation de l'Analyse Plurielle en Nouvelle-Zelande (ecologie)
free for members

1999 THE VEIL - a living eBook in progress

free for members



Christianity without Christ
A Modern Age without Trismegistus
A vague memory of a repressed chimera/figment
The facts, with no name, being there for the presence
Scientific evidences of the forgotten fact
New Age and Hermetism

Ancient and New ages

The amazement of the recollection
The metaphor of stoping breathing
The episodes of suspension and resuming of memory
A well balanced coherence
The dizziness in the present time
We resume breathing as we knew it before

1 - Hermes Trismegistus

The historicity of T3 and its oblivion
Astrologist and Alchimist - ALIAS Father of the Church & Alchemist
The Western rejection
The nature and the form of the Repression (how we ignored that we were ignoring) In Renaissance
At the turn of the Millenium
The Historicity of our origins
The Historicity (Hermon etc) EXCERPT
The historical origins and political meaning of Hermes : The biology of the origins

2- Presence of Akhnaton.

The pharaoh Akhnaton
The atheism of a poet
The Repression and the Milieu
Detailed description of the repression
TCC etc...(the reason for/of the repression)
The Egyptian Hermes (the boldness of the repression)
The base of Truth
The keepers of Trut
the form of Truth
Dualism does not make two
New Age
The media
The genuine people
The intercommunication media constituted
Completion and/or Split in New Age

3- Splendor of the Aton

Savitri and the planet
Presence of Armageddon

4 - Ecology

When magic meant Science
Bruno and the Art of Memory
Magnifiscence of Christianity

5 - Akhnaton, AMOHOA

The identity of Akhnaton

6 - A. Osman, the illusion of Christianity

Resistance and Truth Layers
The fact
The signification of the lie (sometime called the Basic Truth)
The essential Truth

7 - The fear of the Real

Warning and awareness about narcissistic Mourning and depression
Being aware of Psychological resistance
Let's get WHAT IS going on - as an Ethics Principle
How the Ideal will be processed without Letter

8 - The Genetic prophecy

What is genetics
Gene = Meme
Speaking of a Gene-Ethics
Taking the example of cloning.
What is the soul
Meme = Semblant
The New space of incarnation (dimensions of existences)

9 - Planets and spitit

10 - Zenon Kelper (an example of repetition)

11 - Reincarnation and Awakening

How to involve yourself in the new Knowledge

12 - The dubious Christianity

13 - The way of the Hermetic Community


Under compilation - plus Excerpts Links

Continue with : Web Pages (members' free access) additional catalogue

© CYBEK of New York, 1999.
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