backvisit Akhnaton pageAkhnaton's Journey

NOTE : this is one of the first picture of the site created in 1995.
Quality is low and dates are approximative, its original page also is not
explanatory - yet it has the quality of rendering the fundamental.

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Dawn of present observation begins with the first Monotheism (1350 B.C.)
Akhnaton (an Hebrew by his mother) fails in his political and religious plan
In exile he must flee further (Moses also/again disappeared secretly).

His enemies and successors forbid his name to be ever mentioned
but Israel and Athens both appear (1000 B.C.) on the historical stage

Egyptological discovery of Akhnaton began in 1900 - in spite of reluctant scholars,
evidences impose striking similarities with both Oedipus and Moses stories.
After his disappearance, mentioning Akhnaton's name could be punishable by death in Egypt...
this severe repression and its prolonged effects seem to explain our tenacious ignorance

THE ABOVE Akhnaton's JourneyLEADS TO
The Structure of Knowledge which followed Akhnaton
back  BACK TO
The recursory geopolitics of Atonims

Instead of the tour, from this Picture, you can also visit related links to

See the similarities between Oedipus and Akhnaton see the identification of Akhnaton by I.Velikovsky
See the similarities between Moses and Akhnaton See Egyptological identification of Moses-Akhnaton
See the Hebrew ascendance of Akhnaton goto A.Osman blurb

Restart of the Tour


© William Theaux 1949-1999