CYBEK NewsLetter Feb 04 1998goto first NewsLettergoto previous NewsLettergoto next NewsLettergoto last NewsLetter


In January, CYBEK completed a first step regarding the practical involvement of its 'Genetics' department.

The current expression of Genetics in Biology is like the visible part of an iceberg. When we think of it, we realize that it is connected with the gigantic dimension of Ecology, and also with a most domain which is the mysterious human sexuality.
Seeking help in historical comparisons, we also find that, during the transformation of the Renaissance, the discovery of inertia, and  then gravity, was shocking in describing the classical anima of planets' motion. By the 20th Century a science began as 'analysis of the soul' - eventually coined as Psychoanalysis. The soul - animus or Psyche - was soon related by Freud, to an Unconscious, an immerged dimension in what we can recognize today as the concept of Environment. At this point, logic of Code and Ecology meet Psychoanalysis and it is legitimate to wonder if the discovery of DNA will not describe the classical soul.

The recognition of Genetics within Psychoanalytical motive, came by the expected way of a released repression. Freud ignored all of it, but began to establish his Death Drive notion on a sexual cells model. Then Lacan went through what he called an Excommunication when he exposed the signification of the Father's Name to the scientific community, . He was himself repressing the patronymics relation to the Y chromosome, but nevertheless introducing the primal psychoanalytical data which has been shown genetically relevant.
Lacan asked Lydia Torasi to edit her use of his language theory, when she showed that she could applied it to the DNA.

A third step of the emergence of Genetics through Psychoanalysis took place with PLAN. Thinking back at Freud's articulation between the Unconscious and the Environment, there is the Mass Psychology and his model of the molding of the individual in the crowd. It is defenitely a resource of this type that cultural handling of the incoming genetical challenge, will look for.
Current society provides DNA identification and conservation for criminal, militaries and ill people - but neglects the normal individual. Notice again that state institutions even discourage fathers to systematically compare their DNA with their children, for the sanity of family meaning. Considering however how reasonable, wise and perhaps important for the futur, the conservation of DNA population will be - whith preserving the individual rights at the same time - CYBEK ventures into marketing individual DNA extraction and conservation kits.

This commercial 'act' is an interpretation - in the very precise psychoanalytical sense.
It carries another meaning. Once the biological knowledge and technology is acquired, the true issue of Genetics reveals itself, as a matter of memory. If the storage of one's code during a life time may be fairly secured, this guaranty changes dramatically after the person's demise. Cultural trends may threaten the depository, and change a few decades later. However, the right of one person on his DNA - of one's code in the history of his Ecosystem - is worthy of humanity.
This spectacular extension of morality and philosophy in physical Space and Time of the human environment asks for social steps than Psychoanalysis can address in its extended form - e.g. PLAN, aka PLural ANalysis which makes a model for DNAgroups sociophysiology.
DNAgoups will constitute the background of the DNA Kits marketing or 'interpretation'. With the Psychoanalytic deontology they will constitute - as Psychoanalysis is an hygiene in the common individual life - a salubrious management of the future storage and banking of genes on earth.

    Dr. William Theaux, NYC 98/01/03 17:14:26

T H R E A D S / T R E N D S

Department of Genetics :
Several pages cover CYBEK's activity in regards with genetics - and they will be updated and organized with the Kit sale and DNAgroup service during February. At that point, four core references can be found in the understanding of the patronymics meaning see patrilineage matching Y transmission and/or the freudian formula which describe the civilization access to the code see Code succeeding Letter ; a call for responsibility see our responsibility for the future when technology offers its tools, and an overview on DNAgroups see DNA and social science will base CYBEK argument in


Edition of . This page has been announced a few days ago. It will facilitate the use of the site for readers and researchers. With the uploading of more than 150 pages/URL, the two sites - and - have developed a structure which will be stabilized from now; and consolidated during the next months/years.



© CYBEK of New York, 1999.