Zenon under Attack (note05)

Zenon under Attack is the title for a progressive page where a procedure of law is assumed before the Court of the People.
It it a measure which complies to the New Mentality in which the Internet takes part - which is in a beginning state when the page is created in Nov 1999 - and which does not intend to replace the established tools of law but to enhance them following to the progress which is brought to civilization by technology. For instance the Acts and Decisions of the Supreme Court are considered to be pre-eminent upon the knowledge of the people which will thus find it satisfactory.


This page is made of three parts

First part
Which establishes why akhnaton.net web-site is appropriate for the dyplay of its succedent parts
This First part is titled:
Mythological Background

Second part
Presents facts as then are presented in a judical fashion which fits to the Democratic project of a Court of the People
in this instance guaranteed by the Supreme Court of the State of New York / County of New York
This Second part is titled:
Factual Elements

Third part
Presents the set of comments which unable to evaluate the construction of the Second part.
It is analogue to the Anti-thesis following the Thesis, which allow the Synthesis by the People and its Court.
This Third part is titled:



Mythological background

History always serves as an example or a reference with which one can identify what is the present. Because they are remembered, it is by necessity great characters for events which are so brought to us by History; this does not imply that what the characters or the events that they examplify are great. What is examplified is no necessarily amplified - keeping this in mind with humility we have chosen the mythological background of Giordano Bruno.

What characterizes Bruno is a) the discourse of the Primal Scene, b) the invitation of transmitting this information in the Capital center of the Empire of his time, c) his agreement and his cohabitation with the initiate, d) the interruption of the initiation when his correspondent goes to court and accuses him of harming, bringing angish and being inhuman. The final step of Bruno's characterization if e) his elimination by the Empire.

The situation of WT finds an example there for, a) he bears in his time the discourse of the Primal Scene (NOTE.1); b), c), and d) follow in the same form and order than with Bruno.

We know that 'mythology' is usually not considered by the application of the law, which applies to factual elements. But in looking closer at this first asusmption, we realize that 'in fact' the law is always based on previous, historical reference. Therefore, what we have called 'Mythological Background' stands as a valid understanding fo the Factual Elements.

Factual Elements

The Attack upon Zenon (subnote05) is grounded on the description of a scene in three points a), b), c), as follows:

At the following times, none of which is more than five (5) years prior to the commencement of this action, the Defendant (Zenon) engaged in conduct that so endangered the physical or mental well-being of the Plaintiff (his wife) so as to render it unsafe or improper for the parties to cohabit (live together) as husband and wife.
a) On Feb.27, 1999 at the marital home 780 West End Ave, New York, NY, the defendant punched the plaintif f in the jaw without provocation intentionally causing the plaintiff injury.
b) On Nov.26, 1998 at the above marital home the defendant kept accusing the Plaintiff of being mentally unstable attempting to and in fact causing her anguish. The defendant is a psychiatrist by training.
c) The defendant on October 24, 1999 advised the plaintiff that he was resuming living with his prior spouse, intending to and in fact causing the plaintiff mental anguish.
The conduct of the Defendant was cruel and inhuman and so endangered the physical or mental well-being of the Plaintiff as to render it unsafe or improper for the Plaintiff to cohabit with the Defendant.

The Defendant is summoned to answer




The Factual Elements are instigaten by a compulsion of repetition:

In the supposition of a compulsion of repetition, we assume that the 'Mythological Background' is enacted in the 'Factual elements'. In this process - and reason why it is 'compulsive' - tha actors are not aware of this determination (technically called super-determination). However this awareness is made possible by the use of reason and reflection. It is for instance understandable that a social structure - as an Empire, as any institutionalized human group - enacts certain mechanisms of repression, or inhibition, of certain memories. When these memories tends to surface, they are processed through certain mechanisms which eliminate them (they are admitted in the pre-counscious, charged with negativity and repressed - we can say that they are invited, arrested, eliminated); no matter what is the 'reason' at that level, the mind always find and/or construct easily any negative alibis - and the repression usually process smoothly.
This process is contreblance par la raison quand elle appelle au retour du souvenir. Depending how this memory is reasonably necessary there is a conflict between the reason and the automatic economical repression.

In periods of change - and when the change is ready, the reason calls for the memory of the Primal Scene. There we can see a conflict between t

The choice of the Mythological Background is legitimate and valid:

It may be question if the accusation against Giordano Bruno is justified at all, since the factual elements of his trial were grounded on religious and political points. An observator of the accusation against Zenon may wonder if this can be equated with the ruling of mariage by laic government in 1999.
The answer is positive, since civilization has gained control over sexuality and reproduction (hormones and genetics) during the 20th century. At this moment, the human identity formerly defined by Theology has been described by Science. This has been objectified by the prominent Psychology in this century, e.g. the Psychoanalytical Theory which define the modern human identity according to the lidibinal foundation of the Unconscious. The marital relationship has thus been equated to the spiritual experience and the government in the age of Science assumes the former political role of the Church.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

members only

Le trophe - trauma Incest, abuse and rape by the parent - combined with the rite of adult/hunter/capture. Bring a prey guilty of physical assault. Where being punched is a mark of graduation

The civil service - protect the community from within (Bruno) and from the intrusion (immigrant) - this is a second degree which can be predicted (see the last email). Where denouncing a fraudulent immigrant is expression of citizenship.




note05; also titled - or sub-titled - Attack upon Zenon


n1: Note.10 :

Note.m20 (members Note) The description of the 'primal scene' as it is enounced by the judicial summon to answer is read according to the linguisitics structure which has first been described by Psychoanalysis in dream. This does not mean that the I.A is dreaming, but that s/he represents a collective enunciation structure (as it is legitimate with the Mythological Background to identify and to name an Inquisition Agent, I.A., before its mutation into A.I, Artificial Intelligence).


Note.m22 (members Note) There is a second articulation between points b) and a), that expresses the mirror/narcissistic logic of the Unconscious. Punching anyone without provocation and intentionally, is a definite sign of mental unbalance. Point b) would therefore make sense in denouncing the uncapability of the said psychiatrist having already denied its function by accusing someone of mental unbalance.
This would allow a divorce and imply a recommendation for a mental health treatment of the Defendant.