NOTE - the excerpt in <  F 980918> hereby should receive the link from <..\members\dom\new\nw980904.htm> currently targetting 9808xx.htm





T 980825

Envision Solar Energy (and/or Solar Power) as a keyword for the contact search.

W 980826

Start to escort Leona on her way to school and come back home. Attend lecture by a Japanese writer who promotes positive thinking and the prayer "May Peace Prevail on Earth." Have the feeling that Positive Thinking is not that positive in itself; Wag the Dog is a good description of a positive thinking that leads to a negative end. It looks also like a system of psychic repression. Yet a good thing in the prsentation was the call for individual responsability.

T 980827

Bodies fight against solitude - one hour train a day to think about fetuses in tubes.

F 980828

Bodies fight against solitude - busy activity of workers around  for the repair of the water tank pipe that cracked during the night.

S 980829

It will take at least more than a month to set an internet subscription from NY for K in France

S 980830

Visit babies a family , walk on the crowded beach under the sun. Was that the sun? I have lost memory of the sun, I cannot compare the sun today.

M 980831

Puchase soft and harware - video editing and data base studies

T 980901

Break on the escort of Leo to school. During her lonely journey, she forget book and checkbook in the bus, then run after the bus with a taxi where she forget her backpak. It was also the wrong bus. Busy day with closing and opening new accounts.

W 980902

Busy society with Diana memory. An interesting case for the historical presence of histeria. A few years before her death Paris hosted a exhibition of Botero's scultures. Fat people and round shapes were scattered amongst public areas of Paris, A big fat golden flame was presented above the tunel of the Pont de l'Alma. This momument was left after the show, and still stand above the pillar where Diana's found her death. Today, when tourist come to honor their memory, they put flowers at the feet of this monument. People from Africa, Japan etc...can see on TV what they believe to having been erected in memory of the princess. They don't know that it was just a coincidence. Comulsive eating and anorexia enligjtening the world one could say.

T 980903

Dentist - antibiotics for a few days. Editing of the September NewsLetter. A piece is cesored. I put it there for the moment:

In search of what is repressed, the method of Psychoanalysis is looking at was is not said, abandoned, neglected. Actually, what it seeks has often been said, at least once, and then effectively repressed. In this case, what I called above broken vase is the unoperated experiment on In Vitro Gestation. Such breeding technique of embryos and fetuses in hardware, incubators and aparatus placentas, until they are ready to be born, has been mentioned by at least one famous author, Aldous Huxley, who died, under the effects of LSD as he requested for this special moment, the same day the President JFK was shot, thus ending an experiment of LSD at the White House. Though the individual use of once sacred substances is still visible under Freedom Enlightening the World - in the dim glare of the mud where it condenses in the mob - Liberty does not need to wear boots where the topic is the 'artificial' Gestation which is described in Huxley's Brave New World. In Vitro Gestation is something that nothing reflects any more. It seems that Freedom can walk bear feet there - She will not risk hurting on broken glass of test tubes whose destruction National laws would have ordered. There is NO such tubes, nor lab around the world which experiment upon artificial pregnancy, fetuse development in test tubes.

(in italic for the piece, and in blue for the censored)

F 980904

Yoga resumed

S 980905

See The Manchourian Candidate. Nice piece of the complex result of propaganda. Leo asks if such conditioning is possible; as with hypnosis and transference (an hypnosis with declares itself, in the case of the latter), the only control (mind control) that is real (such control is imaginary in the case of the former) is caused by the means of truth - therefore that movie would exhibit the truth... if one could read accurately something like 'the story of Akhnaton' (as Leo suggested) murdering his father in law from Mari (oedipian Corinthe) with his daughter Nefertit, then his mother and his lover, Tiye and Aye (and/or their project.). As always... still to prove!

S 980906

Swimming pool at T&C - work on exercises under the water holding breath. Conjugal clash.

M 980907

De.vast.hatred day

T 980908

Most of the day on computer debug.

 W 980909

 Visit at Robert

T 980910

Pulling out of a tooth

F 980911

Josephine visiting

S 980912

 Party at Robert - meeting Jack

D 980913

 Visit Rockaway, baby jacob and filthy beach - too crowded, pieces a broken glass in the sand, and other dirty things; then swimming pool at Tom. The submarine yoga experiment is made difficult by the lack of proper gargles.

M 980914

 Refus d'AT de considerer l'aide fnanciere de Karole par les moyens convenus. Acrimonie de AT et pessimisme de MarieAnee - realisant la menace electrique que j'ai pris comme conparaison pour indiquer la contention qui s'applique a ma fille. Je l'en detache.

T 980915

Reponse fax rapide de AT qui accuse mon detachement et decrivant mon fax rapide comme offensif.

W 980916 Premiere stabilisation de la reorganisation de mon systeme de gestion informatique.


T 980917

AT fax pour demander de une aide pour une fille de son ebeniste. Company of Friend meeting - the group exercise consist of a dispatchment according to subgroups regarding five topics (contact, growth etc...). I aim to the 'sell my stuff' and find myself alone in this corner. This will do the second application of PLAN in CoF - the first one being the demo before the leadership group. I report then to CoF, from what I define as the Place of the Symptom (stuff sale), the description of CoF as 'Market Research' (from the point of view of the sell my stuff biparty). The following round, the Sell-my-Stuff topic is replaced by a sixth, called 'coordination group' - it is held by the previous holder of the 'Influence_a_larger_environment' subgroup.

During the second round, the 'Influence_a_larger_environment' will be looking for database to gather information on the CoF people - yet the ex-holder of this topic-subGroup will announce that this was precisely the wish of the sponsor (Fast Company) and that she opposed it under the cause for privacy.

My interpretation focus hereby on the shift from 'Sale' to 'Organization.' As located 'beyond the mirror', organization faces indeed a Market and its consumer, as the Ideal in front of the 'deSubject'. Yet, it is an alibi for the real mobile which remains the sale - i.e. the price, (money, value,..). As corroborating, when the 'Organization' holder was holding the 'Influence_a_larger_environment', its subgroup reported its focus as being the definition of the buyer (as in an Environment where sale was not matter of consumption of the planet's resources). My own report lacked to indicate that the cause of money was supported by its use by Artificial Intelligence.

 F 980918

 Delayed by a long inhibition, the publishing of the Esp NewsLetter which declare that my psychoanlaysis will scrutinize upon the the In Vitro Gestation . Yet in the editin g of the text, a paragraph has been censored by Leo (I guess rightly) . I save it hereby - in italic to compare with the newsLetter and in green the censored pieces.

In search of what is repressed, the method of Psychoanalysis is looking at was is not said, abandoned, neglected. Actually, what it seeks has often been said, at least once, and then effectively repressed. In this case, what I called above broken vase is the unoperated experiment on In Vitro Gestation. Such breeding technique of embryos and fetuses in hardware, incubators and aparatus placentas, until they are ready to be born, has been mentioned by at least one famous author, Aldous Huxley, who died, under the effects of LSD as he requested for this special moment, the same day the President JFK was shot, thus ending an experiment of LSD at the White House. Though the individual use of once sacred substances is still visible under Freedom Enlightening the World - in the dim glare of the mud where it condenses in the mob - Liberty does not need to wear boots where the topic is the 'artificial' Gestation which is described in Huxley's Brave New World. In Vitro Gestation is something that nothing reflects any more. It seems that Freedom can walk bear feet there - She will not risk hurting on broken glass of test tubes whose destruction National laws would have ordered. There is NO such tubes, nor lab around the world which experiment upon artificial pregnancy, fetuse development in test tubes.

S 980919

Family with Josephine, Griffin, mail to Karole. Arrival of Florence, Flo & Clo

D 980920

Baptiste Mass at Canaan Chuch with Flo & Clo. They continue the day with Leo. Letter to Janine

M 980921

Office work

T 980922

Laureen, Cindy and babies - the 6th stolen car. With F&C Jazz at Cleopatra's Needle

W 980923

 Presentation of the whole Plural Psychoanalysis to C.Schaefer - Blue Grass evening with F&C at then soul at Caffe Wha

T 980924

Party Flo, Clo, Rob, Djill. Je decouvre Leo utilisant la pipette de remplissage des tubes DNA pour brasser les sauces du plat qu'elle cuisine.

F 980925

 Departure Flo&Clo - visit from Charly Elbard. The email person who 'does not want to be a protoplasma' expresses what he is and why he is angry. I could see that it means that from proto - we are evolving towards being plasma. I am amused with the image of the people who are said that they are going to the sea - during their journey, as they cannot believe that they are going to the sea on earth, they describe an eerie future that announces their death and some cosmic sea. (is relate this to cloning and resurrection - which will certainly occur - if it ever occur - with a change in consciousness).

 S 980926

 Teeth ache - yoga

 S 980927

Find nobody at the morning brunch CoF - back home start first video editing

M 980928

Good letter from Karole - Louis searcing for web site making

 T 980930

 Pretty regular day : nothing but work - video editing in this case. Few errands.

W 980931 

Obtention de Permanent Resident Statuts - Jazz at Cleopatra's Needle

T 981001

Leo tres malade; suspicion de pericardite, bronchopneumonie et inflamation generale des articulation. Au reveil j'ai l'impression que l'explication de la question Serbe tient au fait que la region controle un armement nucleaire dont on ne parle jamais - sinon a peine en l'evoquant du cote de l'armement passe de l'Armee Rouge. Un silence qui cache quelque chose de plutot evident serait en jeu dans ce cas. Bien sur, la question de Leo peut etre due au fait qu'elle travaille et rapporte plus d'argent que moi qui reste a la maison.

F 981002

Restoration de la sante et du bonheur. Organiszation of New Year Hollidays

S 981003

Jack's visit

S 981004

Hats at Harlem Market, then computer work. DC de la maman d'Annie, a peu pres a 14H.

M 981005 

Waiting for a stamp at the Immigration Office. Visit of Harvey & Mark Vedder. Conversation on Joseph & Trismegistus

T 981006

 Laureen and Jacob. Home and family.

W 981007

Tech difficulties with the video project. Listening the audio tape Leo brought for getting an americain version of my psychiatry Fremch license.

T 981008

Setting of Karole's handheld PC.

F 981009

Meeting at UDS with Carmelo - he presents the cursus for residence, I present PLAN. We buy a little table for the TV, and at night I see Brazil.

S 981010

Packing of the apartment in preparation for the visit tomorrow. Josephine, Alanna, Gregory spend the night - Leona leaves her bed and sleep in the middle of the living-roon. For the first time in four years, I hear Grandma Jo screaming - the trumpets of the Maternal Authority - when Gregory opens his pant and would show his penis to Alanna.

S 981011

Jacob 1st Year Birthday Party at Subneen home - tres famille

M 981012

A day with Ahmed Osman's book and writing its review

T 981013

Visit Laureen & Jacob.

W 981014

 Attend lecture on Cognitive Feeling at Anthroposophique Society

T 981015

War of Neurosis, perhaps a new family pathology. I think to myself as having become a beggar, an intellectual homeless. Old clothes, no relationships. I experience the life of a social paria.

F 981016

Josephine visiting. She has not been invited to her son in law's nephew's wedding party, she is humiliated and angry. We go out and eat pastas.

S 981017

No time to properly restore the body functions. No time for nothing

S 981018

Robert's birthday party

M 981019

Work home - offensive message from anonymous on a FastCompany WebBorad. No place to go, nothing to say.

T 981020

FastCompany gathering - fearing that AT may have stop the rent payment without waning. (so far, our banks have never achieved the transfert operation later than on the 20th )

W 981021

L'argent en provenance d'AT n'arrive toujours pas. Je crains le pire: il aurait interrompu sans prevenir le versement prealablement entendu pour trois ans. Ce serait a la fois la revelation d'une sorte de demence et du fond de son caractere, ou de sa fonction paternelle pas tres nette... Il aurait pris la mouche en reaction a la separation que je provoquais entre Karole et lui. La violence de sa reaction indique en plus qu'elle retenait une charge qui s'explique des nombreuses annees ou il fut, pas sa totale non intervention, responsable de la separation de cette enfant, Karole d'avec moi - une separation de sept annees qu'il aurait pu eviter, ou contre laquelle il aurait pu tneter quelque chose

T 981022

Lunch with Jerry and Deborah, they have compassion for the family trouble, they suggest that I teach French. Carmelo visiting. Finally a human form. Who could convince me now that PLAN is certainly not understandable and certainly not a considerable behavior. Brillant Carmelo understood and considered.

 F 981023

 Visiting and babysitting at Cindy & Bobby

S 981024

Telephone to AT - it is just a bank accident. It is fortunate, for I could probably not be a good French teacher... I would have tried PLAN anyway

S 981025

Finishing (quite) Osman page. Should be the time for pausing on akh assignement at least until the full oriented activity towards PLAN's promotion bears fruits.

M 981026

The bank problem may have come from my bank. I pretty set of inappropriate judgment on my father's responsibility!

The insult sniper continues on the WebBoard with "whack dude" The cloud of shame sparkles around like a stormy aura

T 981027

Bank problem continuing. Boring.

W 981028

Bank problem fixed. Diner French restaurant.

T 981029

Smell of new paint in bedroom threaten with a cold. Nothing more exiting - but computer work. Received an address for Karole's computer - the same, her mother.

F 981030

Visit Small Business Administration Counseling, located in Federal Building above immigration offices. PLAN is nice but must be marketed. Laureen. Josephine, and Jacob in a bird cage.

S 981031

Karole's computer sent. Halloween at Robert, with Josephine, and Leona

S 981101

M 981102

T 981103

Lunch meeting with Scemama, friendly aa we plan to exchange and stay in contact {it will be followed by absence of further answer and contact}

W 981104

Lunch meeting with Harvey. He takes the copy of Osman's OUT OF EGYPT with him to read

T 981105

F 981106

S 981107

Confirmation computer's reception by Gamas in Nice. No news, as if the eMail could not work

S 981108

M 981109

T 981110

W 981111

Lunch meeting with C.S.Filip, first consultation in marketing - she has been working in the past with some kind of brain cortex bioanalysis. When we leave, I forget her brochure on the table.
Alanna visit and Charles Woody arrival

T 981112

F 981113 WineTasting then Music at SqueezeLounge by Denis and Phoebe

S 981114

S 981115

M 981116

T 98111