NOTE: more "info" with time

History of CYBEK

From CybeReflexion "at" CybeKstasis

CYBEK was invented at first as a name to design a cybernetical phase, described in a novel (title: ALPHA) which put laid Zenon Kepler's theory.

Zenon Kelper  is an hermetic writer who has exposed a new public view of history, readable in books and web site, and based upon the identification of Akhnaton.

His theory conclude to an unified history of the Western Civilization, in accordance with the ancient Hermetic Tradition (a sole founder, Trismegistus, opposed to the divided vision Greek/Hebrew/Arabs) - so it opens to a new phase of a political ecology.

Hermes Trismegistus being the patron of Alchemy, it is not surprising that he is found at the root of an industrialization process which ends up with Genetics - an ultimate technology of code (kabala) which operate at the core of the living Nature.

Carrying the Art of Memory of the Hermetic Tradition, up today, CYBEK displays its affinity with the Genetic Social management.

You may also take information of the industrial application of this method when it supplies companies and entrepreneurs with a tool (PLAN) which enable their service or production to be ecologicaly capable.

Actuality of CYBEK

Short info in process

CYBEK is a global society interested in long term preservation, who believes that a beneficial ecological use of DNA will depend on the respect of each human personal Will regarding their individual DNA.
DNA Groups, hosted by Cybek, are associations gathered to protect the present, as well as the future DNA samples according to this Ethical Principle.

Methods involving sociology (Art of Memory), and technology (DNA dry samples up to cryogeny), can be arranged through Cybek, as well as listings of global depositories. Send for information to find out more about this important option.

Comments on CYBEK

To begin with

This wonderfull picture has been sent by someone, however perplexed

Life one Earth

Brave New World Last Labor

A few months after the first declared mamal clone, newspapers announce
Rush Is On For Cloning of Animals
On June 3, 1997 more universities have several cows or sheeps pregnant with clones.

Some people don't like this. They will try to stop it. An inquisition may come, especially when science will begin to make public that pregnancies themselves will be experimented in artifical environment. Human foetus can be carried in cows's uterus, sow's or simply test tubes. Churches will organize terrorism. Ecologists will raise armies. Pollution will increase. Then it will pass.

Particularities of interest

Sites, Events, Data

A beautiful Job

A questionable enterprise

We are also searching for links with Psychoanalytic interesting pages

  • (in search)


CYBEK offers a certain number of Theory Pages




  • (in preparation)



Before ability to ask...

in addition


Technology allows today long term conservation of DNA for future beneficial use - personal and/or ecological.  Life is attachment of Code (DNA) & Symbolic (Will, alias Name). Yet a secure preservation of your Will, in relation to this purpose, is still pending. One can ask whether current families or governments guaranty this basic Life Rights and Will, especially if one were to project to 50 years.

If you would like
a collective and independant, long term securing of your will
regarding the future use of your DNA,

You may consider the exercise of the Thousands-Years-Old Art of Memory
carried on and updated by CYBEK.

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