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Avant les notions modernes, on parlait déjà de génétique, mais en d'autres termes ; dans le futur, on en parlera encore
mais en termes de
cybernétique ou son équivalent selon le vocabulaire à venir.


a) Approche des lois génétiques de l'évolution, dans un contexte incluant une Intelligence Artificielle
b) Rappel d'antiques notions auxquelles les modèles génétiques peuvent être comparés.


   Dans un e-group consacré à la mémoire d'Amarna, un message mentionnait l'explication de certains phénomènes paranormaux à la lumière, si on peut dire, de l'ADN. Il s'agit d'un forum consacré aux vies antérieures et, si elle ne concerne pas le scientifique aujourd'hui, la métempsycose pourtant intéresse la science selon un aspect : la transmission et l'activation des gènes au cours du temps correspond à l'idée d'une réincarnation de leurs attributs.
   La coïncidence entre pensées magique, antique et moderne pourrait s'arrêter là - mais le sujet de la mémoire génétique est si neuf et révolutionnaire qu'on ne saurait négliger les approches les moins orthodoxes : surfer sur les crêtes vagues que la génétique remue dans cet e-group permettra de réfléchir néanmoins valablement. Je vais donc commenter quelques voies ouvertes par Daniel Kolos, qui entretient ce e-group/amarnareunion et présentera par ailleurs au colloque H26 une intéressante perspective issue de sa connaissance d'égyptologue aiguisée.

   La lignée procréative n'est pas la seule condition de la fonction de mémoire de l'ADN - sans entrer dans les profondeurs de la nature de la psychanalyse, il est intéressant de simplement noter que Freud a débouché sur des hypothèses, et surtout des questions, à quoi correspondent aujourd'hui les connaissances de la génétique. On trouvera en anglais l'extrait de Freud sur ce thème et en français son débouché, déduit un demi-siècle plus tard mais surtout depuis que la découverte du code génétique l'autorise.

   D.Kolos ci-dessous appelle résonance de mémoire (mixing of 'soul' knowledge, a memory of resonance) ce que Freud, semble-t-il, cherchait également à identifier, en termes de traces mnémoniques. Et plus bas, DK évalue les catégories de ce qui altère l'ADN et par conséquent la mémoire. Il trouve par exemple, dans le matériel électronique que nos organismes manipulent, des cause physiques rattachées à ces appareils (radiations et autres phénomènes physiques). Mais pour pénétrer la question qu'il laisse ouverte - s'agissant de l'appareillage cybernétique comme un organisme que l'on appelle cyborg - il semble qu'il y ait lieu d'ajouter encore un facteur plus 'mathématique', plus algorithmique :

   C'est pour réfléchir le Code en ses oeuvres et dépendance que j'ai estimé que l'appareillage cybernétique du simple outil électronique à l'intelligence artificielle pouvait utilement être résumé en une seule expression écrite : "LAPAREIL".
   Il entre aujourd'hui dans notre champ de visibilité que nous allons assujettir à l'usage de ce LAPAREIL notre identification, par celui-ci, de notre biologie. Pour des raisons de sécurité (hum..), propriété, vie privée etc...  bonnes raisons ou faux prétextes - quoiqu'il en soit - nos ordinateurs vont nous reconnaître à partir de données très personnelles - empreintes digitales, pupilles, timbre de la voix - quand ce ne sera pas directement par l'ADN.
   Il va en résulter une immixtion de deux codes : code biologique et, au sein de l'intelligence artificielle, code (disons:) intellectuel . Si régulièrement, nous allons nous connecter à LAPAREIL au titre de notre code biologique individuel, LAPAREIL en retour va nous connecter les uns aux autres selon ses critères et automatiquement. Ce dernier chiffrage informatique va certainement avoir des effets retours sur les organismes biologiques ainsi mis en rapport, et cette création de nouvelles catégories, milieux, populations va certainement être plus conditionnant qu'un pittoresque 'club de rencontre'.
   Des théoriciens férus d'abstraction montreront probablement que ce rapport de LAPAREIL en masse puisse être assimilé à un rapport sexuel - sinon suppléer à ce qui dit-on y manque. Mais déjà une réflexion sommaire suggère que le cybernet soit en train d'introduire dans l'histoire, des conditions de relation encore plus ontogénique au sein du pool ADN de l'humanité, que nous ferions bien d'examiner à la lumière des théories de l'évolution : 

   L'Intelligence Artificielle - en détectant le code des individus qu'elle met en rapport - lui offre une résonance, mixing of 'soul' knowledge selon les termes de Kolos, ou traces mnésiques selon Freud, dont on a par ailleurs trouvé une analogie possible à l'ARN, voire à l'ARNm, dans le domaine biologique. Dans ce cas, ce traitement massif du code a lieu sur une plate-forme cybernétique et sociale - elle va introduire sa rapidité inconnue naturellement en biologie, resserrer les probabilités et rapprocher des facteurs mutagènes autrement hasardeux. Le stock génétique humain, on le conçoit ainsi bien, va être largement concerné par l'essor de l'Intelligence Articifielle, selon les lois de leur algorithme commun de Code.

   Ces lois sont à peine connues, ou rencontrent par excellence ce que la psychanalyse détecte comme passion d'ignorance. Nous n'en avons à notre porté que de rares indices ; néanmoins de taille comme celui ci-dessous mentionné d'une Scène Primitive qui aurait eu lieu à Amarna en Egypte il y a trois millénaires. La distribution de l'écriture à cette époque - une écriture probablement particulièrement codée, diffusée à l'usage des masses - présidait à une condition similaire. Une immixtion de deux codes aurait eu lieu à cette époque jusqu'à nos jours - respectivement le cybernet peut ainsi revenir à nouveau à pareille scène primitive. Nous avons là une observation physique, historique et naturelle, sujette à fournir matière à la connaissance des lois gouvernant le cyborg.


La résistance et l'indifférence sont de règle à l'aube de ces observations.

   L'ignorance de ce qui change le monde est une bêtise et, comme telle, sensible à l'absurde ; je terminerai donc par un raisonnement par l'absurde, ou plutôt par l'évocation d'un comportement absurde :

   Si cette passerelle, l'histoire qui joint ces deux scènes d'une civilisation s'attache à une fondation génétique, l'observation historique doit se doubler d'une attention anthropomorphique - c'est à dire qu'il n'est pas du tout indifférent, inconséquent que l'on sache quel a été le parcours, l'état ou la manifestation des corps engagés dans ces scènes - particulièrement de la scène d'Armana si un corps est biologiquement issu, pour laisser ses empreintes ici ou là, sur le Sinaï, une rive de la mer Egée, ou ailleurs. S'il faut un exercice pratique pour montrer cette importance, j'irai demain en Chine enregistrer mes chromosomes sur une borne Internet... mais sous un autre nom.

on verra le résultat








Documentation d'archive et interprétation moderne
appuyant la raison d'assimiler le code génétique au motif d'une intuition religieuse


De Mr F. De Wit décrivant dans la conversation ci-dessous une
justification de présumer que l'intuition des lois génétiques avait guidé
le concept d'âme des anciens

Traduction française / DWT

Message: 8
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 17:44:52 -0000
From: "fred60471" <>
Subject: Re: Where Code begins

Hi Daniel,

   The two pillars of Platonism are the immortality of the soul and the theory of Forms. The Renaissance Hermetist would have accepted this along with what I would refer to as the two pillars of Hermetism: the preexistence of the soul (which would be the same as the first pillar of Platonism) and the belief in metempsychosis. These were the two concepts in the Hermetica that the Cambridge Platonists said were genuinely Egyptian concepts in their attempt to salvage the reputation of H3 after Casaubon's dating. Their reasoning was that these were concepts in the Hermetica that could not have been included in a "Christian forgery" because they were alien concepts to Christianity and were most likely Egyptian in origin. William is on good scholastic grounds when he is skeptical about metempsychosis because Cudworth and Moore based their belief on metempsychosis on the reports of Herodotus that that is what the Egyptians believed.

Modern scholars now believe that what Herodotus was reporting was an interpolation of his own Hellenistic belief in metempsychosis onto a sort of conditional metempsychosis among the Egyptians. Only certain qualified people made the migration to an afterlife. At least this was the opinion of Yates in her book on Bruno. Anyway, I remember with what surprise I read William's correspondence a while ago when he suggested substituting the word "DNA" for "soul" in some ancient texts we were discussing. In my current reading, I came across a confirmation of William's equation of "DNA = Soul." It is in a compilation of essays concerning Plotinus that I excerpt the following:

"Plotinus' theory of the 'logos' (forming principle or principle of explanation) helps to bridge the gap between intelligible being and determinate physical things. According to Plotinus' arguments in his treatise 'On Nature and Contemplation and the One,' the 'logos' is a real, objective entity at work in nature (cf. III.8.2). Just as in human craftsmen there is a principle which remains unmoved 'according to which they will make their works,' so to in nature there must be similar power, he argues, which operates not by planning or reasoning, but by simply being what it is. Its being is not action or doing ('praxis') but a creative activity which makes individual natures or 'logoi' and these in turn, while remaining unmoved in themselves, give rise to the various qualities in different physical things: '…in animals and plants the forming principles are the makers and nature is a forming principle, which makes another principle, its own product, which gives something to the substrate, but stays unmoved itself' (III.8.2.27-30). The notion expressed here is not dissimilar from Aristotles view in 'Physics VIII' that the souls or vital principles of natural organisms function as unmoved movers, an idea which has been compared recently by biologists to the DNA base, the natural unmoved mover of modern science.*

*See Delbrück 1971, 55, cited with approval by Mayr 1988. 56-7.**
**Corrigan K. 1999. "Essence and existence in the 'Enneads.'" in "The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus." Edited by L.P. Gerson. Cambridge University Press, 111-112, 125, 420, 426.
   The Sources cited by Corrigan for Delbrück and Mayr are:
   Delbrück, M. 1971. "Aristotle-totle-totle," in "Of Microbes and Life." Edited by J. Monod and E. Borek, New York: Columbia University Press.
   Mayr, E. 1988. "Toward a New Philosophy of Biology." Cambridge, Mass./London: Belknap Press.



   Les deux piliers du platonisme sont l'Immortalité de l'âme et la théorie des Formes. L'Hermétisme de la Renaissance l'aurait accepté à la fois avec ce que j'appellerai les deux piliers de l'Hermétisme : la pré-existence de l'âme (qui correspondrait au premier pilier du platonisme) et la croyance en la réincarnation. Tels étaient les deux concepts des Hermética que les platonicien de Cambridge assignaient à une origine égyptienne, dans leur tentative de sauvegarder la réputation du Hermès Trismégiste mise à mal par la datation de Casaubon. Leur argument était que ces concepts hermétiques ne pouvaient soutenir une falsification chrétienne, puisqu'ils étaient étrangers aux concepts chrétiens - mais au contraire paraissaient d'origine égyptienne. William est en terrain académique lorsqu'il est sceptique quant à la métempsycose parce que Cudworth et Moore fondèrent leur croyance en la métempsycose sur la foi de Hérodote rapportant qu'elle était de croyance égyptienne.

   Les universitaires contemporains pensent que ce que Hérodote rapporta, était un mélange de ses propres croyance hellénique en la réincarnation et d'une sorte de métempsycose conditionnelle de croyance égyptienne : seules certaines personnes qualifiées réalisaient une transition post-mortem. C'est au tous cas l'opinion de Yates dans son livre sur Bruno. Néanmoins je me souviens de mon étonnement quand j'ai lu la correspondance de William, il y a quelques temps, quand il suggérait de substituer le terme "ADN" à la place du mot "âme" dans certains textes anciens que nous discutions. Or au cours de mes lectures présentes, je rencontre la confirmation de l'équation de William formulant "ADN=âme". C'est d'une compilation d'essais concernant Plotin que j'extrais le passage suivant :

   La théorie du Logos que Plotin développe (principe de formation ou principe d'explication) sert à relier l'écart entre les être intelligibles et les choses physiquement déterminées. Selon l'argument de Plotin en son traité "Sur la Nature de la Contemplation et de l'Un", le logos est une entité réelle et objective au travail dans la nature (cf. III.8.2). Exactement comme pour l'artisan humain, il existe un principe fixe "à partir duquel il agence son travail" - " il doit exister dans la nature, un potentiel, explique-t-il, qui opère, non par projection ou raisonnement, mais simplement du fait de ce qu'il est. Sa manifestation n'est ni action ni faire (praxis) mais une oeuvre de création qui produit des natures individuelles - dites logoï - lesquelles en retour, bien que demeurant fixes en elles-même, agencent les différentes qualités des choses physiques variées." ...dans les animaux et les plantes, les principes de formation sont les opérateurs et la nature est un principe de formation, qui forme un autre principe, son propre produit, qui délègue quelque chose au substrat, mais demeure fixe quand à lui (immuable et non-mobilisation) (III.8.2.27-30). La notion ainsi exprimée ne diffère pas de celle d'Aristote dans sa 'Physique VIII', qui décrit les âmes ou principes vitaux des fonctions naturelles des organismes comme des mobilisateurs fixes, une idée qui a récemment été comparée par les biologistes à la molécule ADN, le mobilisateur fixe naturel de la science moderne.








Ces données sont d'archives, origines, brouillons - présentement fournies
par allégeance au phénomène LG étudié par ailleurs



   Dear Daniel,

   As said earlier, I am looking forward to post a little work by the end of this month, that will summarize a point of view about genetics. This has been boosted by the recent post from fred quoting Plotinus and unmoved movers.
   Meanwhile, I feel glad and honored by your interest in dnafoundation. We may continue privately after that with the communication of code, settings, addreses and things like that - for I feel still appropriate to complete publically the historical information about this site. I have already explained whith such name as 'dnafoundation'. I can now describe how I have handled it up to this final moment.

   I notice that I behave somewhat alike with the yahoo e-group (named - akhnaton) that I let handling to fred ; with a kind of chalenge (fred will comment if I am wrong). It was by the time when I was coming back to France, and especially French language, after some five years spent in English countries and especially US. The whole story was to include into some fifteen/twenty years of a theoretical and practical exercice that had begun in 1985 where I launched the dices, red A(khnaton)M(oses)O(edipus), and bet on it.
   From 1985 up to 1995 I collected the data and made their analysis enough to conclude the high probability for AMO, HT3 (that do not contradict with other associations as the one you support with the Amenhoteps). Yet all this was written in French and I felt a priority to make it available to English critics, and this has been done between 1995 and 2000. It is during there five years that I made my opinion that participated to my return to France.
   I came back to France in 2000 not only because I had completed my projet (for instance with dnafoundation making available in English the AMO theory and other consequences in regards with Hermeticism) - but also with a reason that I mentioned to fred : the US community will remain closed to AMO. I had reached a point where the akhnaton-yahoo-group had completed its task in my opinion - which was not fred's. He took up the management of this e-group with the aim to continue and develop further the hypotheses with an English audience. Of course, although the akhnaton forum stand still since, the situation is still open and futur is still to tell, I may be more precise about the reason I see that it cannot develop :

   Amongst the little, yet very dear part and group of English speaking people who supported my hypothesis, a large majority would not access to the Oedipian dimension. As a matter of fact by the year 1990 the theory gained the contribution of A.Osman's projet, that confirms the Akhnaton=Moses identity - but it closes and make a tabou with the Hellenic/Oedipian access. A.Osman's projet applies the rules that have been set up by the Thebean amonist clergy (as it is explained in Oedipus at Colonus). Such rules are made for large spans of times and large masses of populations, and this has been my experience to found it applied within English general communities.
   The psychoanalytic praxis does not aim to change history - its only goal is to defined situations and symptoms ; for the rest, history itself will change if it has to.. and this is another story. As for akhnaton e-group, I am willing to legate to the US domain the archive of the web site which details AMO theory. I wish also to bundle it with the dna theory that hermetism links with it. But it would be wrong to sustain it by myself further.







Message: 9
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 11:40:16 EST
Subject: Re: Re: Where Code begins

Hello William,

I have spent the past few days in Fort Wayne, Indiana, America's heartland. My host is the originator of a brain theory that has intrigued me for the past 20 years and may provide some factual help for your work with "memory traces" and the genetic field. The theory identifies a new organ in the human skull called the Glia Brain, a thick layer heretofore dismissed by neurologists as inert, but which, in theory, are entirely responsible for our memory. These glia cells, and there appears to be several trillion of them, "control both the growth pattern and the actual firing of the neurons." Although the neurons do the work, "they are not capable of making deicisons. It is the Glia Brain that tells these neurons what to do." The Glia Brain is the organizer of our thoughts and actions.

However, these do not determine consciousness itself, and do their work regardless. Bit it is a series of glia cells along the length of each neuron that is able to signal to its neuron when and how to fire, that is, the glia cells are the keepers of our memories.

Research is scant and the articles are in rare medical journals not generally available, but the theory will sooner or later surface in the public realm. My interest in it is the source of 'past life' memories, to see if the DNA somehow preserves not only the signals on how to build new bodies from a sperm and an egg, but also what these new bodies will remember either from previous bodies ad infinitum, and from energy frequencies.

Take the claim I made in my previous post that Ankhes is now public property. In fact, the frequency that resonated as Ankhes 3300 years ago, can, theoretically, still resonate with that same purity now, and be available to anyone sensitive enough to tune into it. We are not taught how to differentiate frequencies numerically, so we do it emotionally: both microwaves and Aye bring out the sceptic in me.

The business end of your message, William, is not a problem. All websites run around $200.00 +/- per year and I can well afford it. Unless somebody else wants it, I will take on the responsibility of maintaining it.

With respect,



 -----Message d'origine-----
De : William Théaux []
Envoyé : lundi 4 avril 2005 13:03
À :
Objet : Re: Where Code begins


Hello, Daniel and fred,

We are currently beginning the making-up of next month news-lettre about genetics.

As usual I'll contribute to it with a short article. I'll take and comment both of your reply to "Where Code begins". Unfortunately we have a problem with language, French and English ; I'll try to translate in both ways. This will take a month time at most.

I already wrote most of it ; a draft with a confused observation : on the one hand I describe how the internet/cybernétics will influence the mixing-up of human DNA (that is to add to the physical hardware influence that Daniel mentioned) - this will be caused through Artificial Intelligence rather that simple net-meetings and tchat rooms.. I mean that the cybernet is running special factors, that Daniel calls "a mixing of 'soul' knowledge, a memory of resonance", that seems to me similar with the same factors that Freud calls "memory traces".

Meanwhile, on the other hand I have been studying the comparison of these "memory traces" in the sole genetic field.

Now I see them not only in the biological field, but in the (cyber)aparatus domain..! But the confusion between these two fields is not unusual - at least the rencent history fo the concept of 'meme' has shown genetics and cybernetics merging together. Anyhow, I do not feel very comfortable with these wide angles of research.. and clumsy language.

I feel more at ease with simple facts ; for instance the information that Daniel asks about <> :

Registering a name is $20 per year

Host services costs 182,54(euro) approx $200 per year

the host is : SantaBarbara.Com Web Hosting Services

$200 is rather expensive ; anyhow I will change this - yet I let you the information in case anybody would like to own name and site as explained earlier.




From: "Daniel Kolos" <damilos@...>
Date: Tue Mar 29, 2005  12:28 am
Subject: Re: [amarnareunion] Where Code begins


Hello William and welcome back to Amarna Reunion. The opportunity you present
made me think for a few days. But let's deal with your other interests first.

1. "When memory is set up at, identified to, its code regime - that is when
human industry sees and manipulate DNA - then past life memories will focus
(like a compass points to north) over DNA forms."

Two matters come up for me here, first the 'code regime' and then the
relationship of past life memories to DNA.

It takes a lot of work for each one of us to decipher the codes that underlie or
give meaning to our memories. Carolyn Myss has proposed that these cultural
codes are fed or beaten into us during childhood, before we are able to say
'No!' If left unexamined, these codes of meaning become tyrants in our lives
but we never actually know what drives us.

More and more people I know pick our DNA as the source of our past life
memories. Logically that cannot be so, because Many people 'remember' lives
where they have no direct blood relation to who they were. So there must be a
of 'soul' knowledge, a memory of resonance however that is carried and
transmitted from one person to another, filtered through the DNA of the
individual who does the 'remembering.'

2. " This does not mean that I am not interested with reincarnation theory -
for I have been meeting myself events that I re-present (under the name of
Z.Kelper). I understand and reflect them from le sematic (the semantic?) catalog
of modern psychoanalysis, calling that : 'repetition'."

Whether it is only memories that are repeated, or each of our lives are being
repeated as the eastern concept of Karma tries to explain, the ancient Egyptian
Kings already were part of this 'industry' and totally bought into the concept
of 'repeating births' to the point that they included this phrase as an epithet
after their names!

3. "To 'cybernet' is not a usual word, it could even be a neologism. It seems
also that cybernet is already something that has become yet quite commun
through the planet - however the consequences that will appear once the
embryo Internet has absorb the very bio information of its users, will
eventually reach DNA. This is why I would call cybernet something that we
may not be aware of."

I suppose it is progress to marry cyberspace with the internet and call it
'cybernet', as a euphemism for Artificial Intelligence. Although I think I know
what you might mean, I cannot see the way we use the internet at this point as a
cyborg organism. That is not to say that our use of the internet cannot affect
our DNA!
I am sure it can, in ways I hate to admit: through the radiation of
the various computer hardware packs; through the constant glare into our eyes;
through focusing for hours a foot or two in front of us, teaching our DNA that
there is nothing important to see any further (negating nature).

4. " My interest in amarna come from the view which assign to that moment and
place a role that can be called "Primal Scene". A Primal Scene is something from
which a code generates. It is not a repetition, it is the zero degree of

Of course in a egg many things repeat. But there is one thing there which
is... not event unique, original and first, but which is still zero. DNA is
modified in consequence of a Primal Scene - may be not on the very same
place and time - but it is modified in a way of consequence."

It may be a surprise to many of our List readers/members that Akhenaten created
a 'Primal Scene' at Akhetaten! Many people call that 'Primal Scene' the
creation of monotheism, but although I have consistently argued against
Akhenaten being a monotheist, I cannot deny your assessment of Amarna as a
'Primal Scene'. Monotheism may have been the consequence of what happened at
Amarna, even if there is no actual evidence at Amarna of monotheism. The
evidence, actually, is far worse, and points to tyranny of theocracy.

5. " From 1985 I have been theoretizing the same person under three names at
least : Akhnaton, Moses and Oedipus. Later I realised that history had
extended that perception up to another name : Trismegistus. There are even
several other name which can be recollected, and some of them, as Daniel
says can also indicates other persons."

Whether Hermes Trismegistus was Akhenaten-Moses-Oedipus or the three Amenhoteps,
(Amenhotep III-Amenhotep-Son-of-Hapu-Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten) may be immaterial.
Recent research consistently identifies the late 18th dynasty Amenhoteps as the
key players in Ptolemaic and Roman era historical texts, proving two things:
first that the proscription against Akhenaten had been long forgotten and that
Akhenaten and whatever happened to him were remembered a thousand years later.

6. "Now my activity has turned over French systems, and my age, career and
future plans, do not allow me to take good care of <> - for
two, three years or even more, I did not made any change to it. Yet it could be
a good thing to change that state of latency. This is why I put
<> on sale - not for money, price can be low - but with the
sole agreement that it will continue to include that archive data. For the
rest, just an index home page could be changed and combined to a whole new set
of data that will be free of agreement.
I offer this deal to Daniel, if he is interested with ; I am also pleased
to say hello to the people of this e-group that I read for several years by
now. I stop here my writing to give place to an enormous bunch of wishes for the
past, and for the future.."

I thank you for both the offer of <> and the 'enormous bunch of
wishes!' I would like to hear more details about the website - where it is
located and what are the yearly payments. I would have thought that Fred or Hal
would be far more adept at guiding any future life for this website than I would
be, and would gladly defer the task to either of them. So tell me more, please!

Wishing you the creative energies of this Spring,



 ----- Original Message -----
From: William Théaux
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 1:42 PM
Subject: [amarnareunion] Where Code begins


This is a message for D.Kolos - that will fit as well in the present
egroup ; more than the address my english will be the problem... anyhow,
usely I can make myself understood enough, even if the language looks odd

It is a long time since I thought writing here and to Daniel. I have
found an anachronic reason to do so - that will give an opportunité to
mention 2 or 3 things... about memory and reincarnation for instance.

When memory is set up at, identified to, its code regime - that is when
humain industry sees and manipulate DNA - then past life memories will focus
(like a compas points to north) over DNA forms.
This does not mean that I am not interested with reincarnation theory -
for I have been meeting myself events that I re-present (under the name of
Z.Kelper). I understand and reflect them from le sematic catalog of modern
psychoanalysis, calling that : 'repetition'.

Analysing the present through repetition is enlightening. There is no
doubt about that. In comparision one could say that analysing the present
through DNA is.. cyberneting!
To 'cybernet' is not a usual word, it could even be a neologism. It seems
also that cybernet is allready something that has become yet quite commun
through the planet - however the consequences that will appear once the
embryo Internet has absorb the very bio information of its users, will
eventually reach DNA. This is why I would call cybernet something that we
may not be aware of.


My interest in amarna come from the view which assign to that moment and
place a role that can be called "Primal Scene". A Primal Scene is something
from which a code generates. It is not a repetition, it is the zero degre of
Of course in a egg many things repeat. But there is one thing there which
is... not event unique, original and first, but which is still zero. DNA is
modified in consequence of a Primal Scene - may be not on the very same
place and time - but it is modified in a way of consequence.
Thus, there is no true repetition form a Primal Scene, there only can be
a DNA start from there - I mean a DNA foundation...

...And.. as I did not realise it while writing, I just come in and about
the 'anachronic motivation' in this post :

From 1985 I have been theoretizing the same person under three names at
least : Akhnaton, Moses and Oedipus. Later I realised that history had
extended that perception up to another name : Trismegistus. There are even
several other name which can be recollected, and some of them, as Daniel
says can also indicates other persons.
"One body for several name, each name for different bodies"... there is a
lot of interesting linguistics to do with this. But this is not the point at
present ; i just mentioned that I firstly established that identification of
a Primal Scene body in 1985, and by 1990 I was able to begin to upload this
theory upon the Internet.
By 1995 I was living in NYC/USA and created a web site named
<>. I also built an <> that I lost for
technical reason (it has been quickly bought, by a fast-too-fast machine for
me, after it began to generate a good deal trafic). I reinstaled it over an
<> - and at that time I was moving again to France.
Therefore since 2000, the only US based site that still host the original
Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus thesis and theory is <> ; its name
also reminds its relation to the Code, and we enter this age when it will be
of crucial importance to identify the memory of the Amarnian Scene - without
which we will not be able to compass, guide, our manipulating power of DNA
(from GMO to clones).

Now my activity has turned over French systems, and my age, career and
future plans, do not allow me to take good care of <> - for
two, three years or even more, I did not made any change to it. Yet it could
be a good thing to change that state of latency. This is why I put
<> on sale - not for money, price can be low - but with the
sole agrement that it will continue to include that archive data. For the
rest, just an index home page could be changed and combine to a whole new
set of data that will be free of agrement.
I offer this deal to Daniel, if he is interested with ; I am also pleased
to say hello to the people of this e-group that I read for several years by
now. I stop here my writing to give place to an enormous bunch of wishes for
the past, and for the future..

Dr William Theaux