suite de La Résistance aux Résistants (1) - la drogue contre la drogue
(1) d'un titre de chapitre des Écrits de Jacques Lacan (in La Chose Freudienne)


   Je dois fournir des exemples (ci-dessous) en validation une page titrée l'Attaque de la Résistance Alt eBook qui présente l'analyse du discours de l'opinion.
   Analyser le discours de l'opinion rencontre une difficulté extrême, une difficulté massive ; mais qui n'est pas sans être descriptible par une mathématique des limites. Comme elle passe forcément par une sorte de honte, on peut s'entendre dire qu'on est paranoïaque persécuté voire halluciné, et l'analyse est renversée.
   J'expose ci-dessous un échange typique entretenu dernièrement. Sur la gauche la colonne de mes messages, sur la droite les réponses. On verra que la colonne de droite est vide. Il faut la confronter au fait que l'analyse de l'opinion est prescrite par Freud d'une manière sans appel ; si on n'affronte pas cette analyse, écrit-il, il faut renoncer au progrès la psychanalyse. Entreprenant cette analyse j'ai hypothétiquement levé un refoulement de l'origine de la civilisation (Moïse)  Alt eBook , un second refoulement du cours de la civilisation (l'Art de la Mémoire) Alt eBook et un refoulement de l'instant présent (la chimie psychiatrique) Alt eBook ...  j'ai constaté également, comme l'exemple le montre :  la colonne de droite vide !
   Un manque de réponse aussi absolu répond du refoulement. A la limite, il est pathognomique comme on dit en séméiologie - ce qui veut dire que c'est un signe sans appel..

   Ce signe qui ne peut vouloir dire autre chose que " je refoule ", relève en l'exemple de la biochimie du cerveau - ou plus généralement ce qu'une littérature romanesque nomme kotrope - quelle psychopathologie affecte la drogue dans le discours de l'opinion (ainsi qu'en un autre exemple ce qu'elle oppose à son soin, ou conscience de son état pluriel ).
   C'est presqu'un déluge de présomptions qui inonde aujourd'hui l'opinion d'une prise de conscience que les drogues illicites ont souvent été les sacrements religieux des origines de nos civilisations. La plupart seraient des médicaments utiles. Il existe une petite communauté de gens qui cherchent à rétablir la liberté et l'accès intelligent à ces produits. Avec un certain nombre d'information qui les concernent, j'ai été faire connaissance de quelques uns formant un panel informatif de cette petite communauté. C'est un second cas exemplaire de l'analyse du discours de l'opinion ; avec son absence de réponse, illustrative de ce qu'on trouve sur toute l'échelle des autres recherches et communautés.


   Je suis désolé de l'échec de la diffusion de mes thèses ; évidemment on pense toujours être satisfait par le succès d'un travail. Le fait de partager le destin du grand nombre de chercheurs maltraités serait une maigre consolation. Plus satisfaisant dans mon cas, le fait que la mésaventure confirme l'hypothèse, en l'occurrence d'un refoulement. Il ne s'agit pas d'une preuve circulaire cachant au demeurant la raison toujours possible que ces thèses soient fausses. Si l'ostracisme que je subis devait cacher la honte de l'erreur, que ce soit mon erreur ou celle de ceux qui m'enterrent, dans les deux cas ressort la même stimulation positive : chercher la vérification non par l'impossible assentiment de l'opinion en analyse mais par l'action plus avant que constitue l'engagement politique.

   Si pénétrer un refoulement, à fortiori un refoulement collectif, par administration ou découverte, est la nature essentielle de la politique, il est bien compréhensible que l'analyse du discours de l'opinion - si c'est le sort de la psychanalyse - aboutisse à l'examen politique.

   Cet examen ayant cours par ailleurs, je clos cette page-ci avec le matériel promis : partiellement relevé honteux d'expérience mais expérience néanmoins et son compte-rendu que la scientificité oblige. En premier rapport sur fond bleu, le monde du silence - en second, sur fond jaune un indice laconique mais qui valide d'au moins une des mes hypothèses. Au préalable suit en deux mots l'expérience du domaine du soin :

 Première cas introductif :

   Du silence pour réponse, signifiant l'indécence, l'exemple de l'ajout à un dossier de recherche - de l'étymologie de l'usage d'un mot en l'occurrence du mot ' pluriel ' apporte l'écot.

   Des universitaires ont cherché l'origine de son usage récent, d'abord en politique puis bientôt étendu dans la langue courante. Ils ont produit un bon rapport ; duquel je pris ultérieurement connaissance. Ce terme mis à l'usage par les politiciens vers les années 1995 avait été déposé à l'INPI par mes soins quelques années avant, et pour signifier un état social, digne et sujet à une politique éventuellement.

   Le documents sont fournis. Le silence des universitaires informés notable.

   On trouvera sur ce point une théorisation  du Pluriel (avec un navigateur comme MS.Internet Explorer qui développe les scripts " + ")  ; ailleurs une chronique comico-satirique ; éventuellement la documentation précise Alt eBook .

Second cas représentatif

   Une conversation que j'initialise avec Mr R.Dolbin, editeur de MAPS ;

-----Message d'origine-----
De : william Theaux []
Envoyé : vendredi 11 septembre 2009 15:54
À :
Objet : News from W.Theaux (re.meeting in Switzerland / June à Vanja)

Dear Rick,

   I hope that the congress in Austria was successfull. But perhaps did you attend other meetings since there is some time since we met at Vanja's. It took me some time for I had to write a summary about things we talked about - and I was also waiting for any kind of reply from the mail addresses I got in Switzerland. Torsten PASSIE didn't reply to my mail (I guess that the address you gave me was the correct one) - but many other didn't reply.
   Actually nobody replied ! ^_^

   I take it quietly for I am acustomed to this. I expected a reply just to know if what I was writing was undertandable - for I feel clumsy with English. Fortunately a friend who dwells in other horizons could give a reliable appreciation that what I wrote could make sense. I made a page about these facts and our correspondance, between Bob Bruno and I.

   More important is the following that you mau be interested with:

   This page is about history of ergotamine - it adds and strenghten A.Hofman's intuition about Eleusis.

   Next time I'll write what I wanted to communicate with Torsten and I'll keep you informed too.

With my very best wishes,

note : here is the page where you can read if you have leisure to, what Bruno and me exchanged
   I made this page also for Grey Litterature purpose/archive).


Réponse :

Le type de conversation, envois et réponseuh...  que j'ai entretenu avec la nomenclatura psychedelique

Envois Réponses
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 23:10:26 +0200, DWT <> wrote:

> Dear V,
> It took a little time before I could write with a fruit
>> &
> to thank you for the very nice meeting, with you and Rick.
>I am looking forward in hope that we can continue working together and study what can be done with zen and how it can help in the new millennium
> Sincerely
> William
> Suzanne sends her regards

-------- Message original --------
Sujet : DWTheaux / Eleusis
Date : Tue, 30 Jun 2009 11:26:46 +0200
De : DWT <>
Pour : p@t, R@h>

Hello P and R,

   Merci beaucoup pour votre accueil ; nous sommes bien rentrés et j'ai pris quelques jours pour écrire et travailler le fruit de ce voyage à Solheure

   Particulièrement ai-je fait une conférence enregistrée en vidéo - qui explique en détail une page que j'ai traduite français et anglais et que j'ai mis sur le web :

en français
in English

   Je vous envois dans les jours qui viennent une copie de l'enregistrement de la conférence ; elle dure 2 heures et ce n'est pas du "grand spectacle! " mais si la page vous a semblé intéressante, cette présentation orale et vidéo la complètera avantageusement.

   J'espère que le congrès de Rick Dolbin a été fructueux ; j'ai pu le rencontrer chez Vanja et j'ai spécialement confectionné la version anglaise en vue de l'adresser à Rick/MAPS. Qu'en pensez-vous ?

DWT / William

PS voici l'adresse de mon nouveau cv que Peter m'a dit intéressé de voir :


On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 23:03:01 +0200, DWT <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I met recently Rick Doblin from MAPS who invited me to contact you for he thinks that we have a common field of interest. I have been studying and working out an ancient (named Art of Memory) and recent form of psychoanalysis that I described to Rick - as I believe that it could be helpful in various kind of group sessions. Rick explained that most of the researchers of MAPS had an individual approach, but you were interested in group psychology and in the techniques that can be associated with social uses of psychedelic. Thank you to consider an exchange for our works.
> Dr William Theaux

-------- Message original --------
Sujet : Contact D / P / W
Date : Thu, 14 May 2009 17:21:55 +0200
De : Dr William Theaux <>
Pour : d@p, p@t

(english translation below)


   Je m'adresse à vous sur la recommandation du Dr P (p@t) que j'ai rencontré dernièrement  lors d'une visite de recherche que je lui ai rendue en Suisse. Je me nomme William Théaux et je suis médecin psychiatre en France (Puy en Velay). La médecine est une activité que je pratique depuis une quarantaine d'années et depuis aussi longtemps j'ai toujours associé la psychiatrie à la connaissance des drogues non seulement thérapeutiques mais aussi celles qui ne sont pas reconnue comme telle par nos académies.
   Évidemment la situation particulière du LSD m'a toujours intéressée, et j'ai étudié ce qu'on pouvait en connaître notamment dans l'histoire. J'ai constaté qu'il y avait un certain nombre d'universitaires qui soupçonnent que ce psychedelique ait été connu depuis longtemps. Je suis de mon côté auteur d'une thèse maintenant bien éprouvée, selon laquelle son usage aurait été commun aux cultures monothéistes anciennes et helleniques. Il s'agirait même d'un certain argument propre à réduire leurs prétendues divergences ; mais il nécessite d'être informé sur les contraintes techniques de son extraction, voire sur les capacités des techniques chimiques anciennes à produire ou échanger du LSD entre les communautés.

   P. m'a transmis votre contact comme une source d'information sur ces conditions et connaissances afin d'évaluer ce que les époques anciennes pouvaient en maîtriser.
   Auriez-vous la disponibilité de me recevoir pour que nous en parlions, si par bonheur vous parlez français ou bien l'anglais que je possède un peu suite à quelques années passées aux États-Unis? (je complète ci-dessous une traduction anglaise du présent message en cas de besoin)

En l'attente et avec mes remerciements anticipés,
Dr William Théaux

   I come in touch with you on the recommendation of Dr P ( p@t ) that I met recently during a research visit in Switzerland. My name is William Théaux and I am psychiatrist MD practicing in France (Le Puy en Velay). Medicine is an activity that I undergo for about forty years and for the same lenght of time I always associated psychiatry with the knowledge of drugs - not only 'therapeutic' drugs but also those who are not recognized as such by our academies.
   Evidently the particular situation of the LSD always interested me, and I studied what we could know about it, especially in history.
   I noticed that there was a good number of academics who suspect that this psychedelique was known for a long time. I am from my part an author of a well grounded thesis, according to which its use would have been common to the ancient monotheist and helleniques cultures. This could even reduce their claimed differences; yet it requires to be aware of the technical constraints of its extraction, as well as about the capacities of the ancient chemical techniques to be produced or to exchange of the LSD between communities.

   P. passed on to me your contact as a source of information about these conditions and how to estimate in which extent ancient civilisations could master it.
   Would you be available to receive me so we can speak about it ? I'd appreciate if fortunately you speak French or English (that I possess a little after some years spent in the United States (I complete below an English translation of the present message if necessary)

In looking forward and thanking you in advance,
Dr William Théaux


-----Message d'origine-----
De : DWT []
Envoyé : mardi 14 juillet 2009 10:07
À : c@r
Objet : Nouvelles et Histoire




   Quelques nouvelles à l’occasion d’une remarque qui fait plaisir à transmettre. Le livre médecine psychédélique remporte un franc succès dans la salle d’attente. Plus qu’aucun autre il attire l’attention et des questions toujours dans un esprit favorable.


   De mon côté j’ai produit une page qui servira un jour si elle dit juste et vous intéressera peut-être :






    Au total, ce lien que j'adressais à nombre de ces mails,
concerne le centre le plus profond de la préoccupation de mes adresses,
si tant est que, réellement, les psychédélique et leur culture les intéresse.

   Pour évaluer le poids du silence - 'pesant' - au lieu des réponses, on constate en effet ce qu'apporte l'élargissement de la perspective éleusienne à l'ensemble du bassin méditerranéen, comptant l'Afrique amarnienne croisant le mouvement indo-européen d'Europa. Le contraste est de la taille égale au silence qui fait écho à son évocation. Loin que j'affirme la vérité absolue de ces/cette thèse, ou la présente comme une révélation, il est certain par ailleurs qu'elles sont potentielles. A moins que mes confrères muets soient - choses que je n'ose pas croire - contents et sectateurs des vérités établies, il ne reste d'explication qu'outre l'information que je donne, la preuve ajoutée d'un refoulement freudien.

   Pour fonder le potentiel que je réclame, j'ai choisi de citer le témoignage d'un Bob Bruno qui sert contre la négligence de pierre d'achoppement. Bob n'a pas plus de garantie de certitude que moi mais il fournit l'indice qui alerte et appelle forcément l'attention - vis à vis de quoi le silence devient à son tour l'indice, certain, d'un refoulement.



   Présentation de Bob : cet artiste peintre et musicien a participé des années durant - entre 1995 et 2000 au forum internet ( au sein duquel a été confrontée et vérifiée l'identification non seulement d'Akhnaton, mais en pratique surtout de l'histoire amarnienne comme la scène primitive de la civilisation contemporaine, raison du refoulement des drogues-pulsions tel qu'on peut à présent l'observer.
Bob Bruno is a US musician an painter that one can find on facebook and he has been working several years with a group-forum about Ancient History - Egypt, Akhnaton and all that shed light over Eleusis. He knew well and experienced how we were so few between 1995-2000 being aware of the propability of a tremendous recollection of the memory of our civilisation primal scene. After 2000 the group-forum turned silent stoned by exaustion plus some accident and deaths till by June 20th 2009 he wrote a quick advice :
   Hi Will, I saw an astounding amount of groups in Google around Akhenaten. People were writing as if he were Moses, Oedipus, as if there were no controversy at all .
(salut will, j'ai visité un grand nombre de google-groups où il est question d'Akhnaton ; les gens y écrivent comme s'il était Moïse et Oedipe et qu'il n'y avait plus de contestation du tout !!)

So I replied and we exchanged the following,
just to show where I talk and stand from, in terms of
certification of the worth to considering the historical hypothesis I offer to the psychedelic community :



William Theaux
June 29 at 9:22pm
Hi Bob,

Thank you for your information about akhnaton - I wish I could know more ; I am not used with google-groups and sometimes it is ery buzy down here.
I can even give you an example !! for I thrown in English a recent French text that will explain it all.
But could it be possible for you to extend your grace from painting and music down to editing a poor french text that has been translated with google and edited by myself who is not so good at that. Two more words of explanation :
I am interested with what this 100year old guy said - as a psychiatrist I am just a little bit more in aw with his discorevry than with haloperidol. I am not from the side where I would approve giving 'a voice' to LSD - this is already too close to mysticism and then religion as we suffer it. I am not thinking either of making hofman a guru.

But as the text will show, the New Eleusis that he and Huxley and perhaps you perhaps me can give a chance can only be set with the art of memory - and the least of this art is to give little pieces of clue. So I promote LSD in my own practice - just by words for as a professional it is already at risk - and I wish to present to any interested english speaking people the reason why this has to make a single compound with Amarna's history.
May I ask you if you would like to edit the page :
so to make it the clearest and the most powerfull it can be

Don't worry if you can't do it - I can find other ways but you are the first I call for this, to honor your presence in my own route.


( in French )
Dailymotion - albert hoffman - une vidéo Musique


Bob Bruno
June 30 at 6:20am
Hey Will ,

Getting to that site with Hoffman , I was thinking to myself , "Is this going to be about Abbie Hoffman ?" ( An activist I met and performed on the same bill with several times in the late sixties , also one of the "Chicago Seven").. haha ..Well , it wasn't him . I wanted to write back to you on my LSD experiences as soon as I saw the gist of your letter . I don't know what to make of Albert Hoffman's speech though I saw pseudo-religious scenes in my own head and knew and heard stories from others with delusions of the metaphysical . All these fantasies can be explained by opening the top of the head . I was aware of Leonard Cohen's Bible of LSD "The Beyond Within" but that also had flaws .Leary also put LSD on a pedestal that may have hurt further research and still makes the subject an anathema .So what does the old guy have to lose ? haha ... I don't know .For that matter what has he to gain by this endorsement ?

Will , I am convinced that LSD could and does bring forth the subconscious to some people wide awake . This well might have helped some drunks who couldn't get any higher or other drug users but , truthfully , I continued to drink and smoke under the influence of LSD knowing full well that there was nowhere else to go . The problem with the weekend hippies was that they faced a world under the influence of acid where they weren't what they imagined themselves to be . Finding themselves as "Weekend Hippies" , pseudo - beatniks , and then assuming their role as conservative pushers of the status quo on Monday morning sometimes made them think that the trip wouldn't end .In deed , the way to bring the "Bad tripper" back down was to try to convince them that it would end . It was like saying , the realization that you are a fraud will go away in three hours .
I never had a bad trip . I remember a lot of occasions though they started in 1963 . I can see them as mountain tops and my characters , my own identity was different in many of them according to what was the focus of the beginning of the trip . It was like a mini-life ,like a child with open eyes ,ready for anything , experimenting with steps , learning about fire , getting burnt , closing his mind with each experience as his eyes un-dilated and he became more set in his ways and character till he was back to where he was and lost the innocence of youth.

Will , LSD is not a good thing to endorse . I don't trust the governments or the medical community because of all the stigma that is inescapable when you bring up the subject . The Bible thumping is not going to stop . saying that drugs are involved in some of the revelations is never going to be acceptable .I thought that pot would be legalized . It seemed like a good idea in 1964 .. haha . Anyway ,I am looking forward to reading more from Albert Hoffman in your page . I couldn't take time right now but Akhnaton and repression go together like .... LSD and Psyshoanization... yea right ... I buy Akh a little more than the latter Maybe it is because Hoffman was a chemist .

Incidentally , I downloaded "Opera" today and like the program . I have been trying to keep up and hate the Microsoft monopoly . The Firefox wasn't the pancea I was hoping it would be for my several computers .

I hope I didn't say too much here yet my respect for Osman went amiss at "Out of Egypt" and Velikovski ... well... you know . Associating with subjects that , well , are as obtuse as LSD could bring about similar results to your readers and students ( if yu have students ... I don't know ) I haven''t imbibed in any of the many self indulgences I assaulted my senses with over the years since 2002 .My aunt asked ,"When did you find the lord , Bobby?" haha . I tried to tell her it wasn't like that but telling her "I am an atheist" didn't help . haha ... I think she thinks that Atheist get together at Easter or something .

Hey , I have to go , Will . I will get to your next page when I can . I don't know about "Editing " it but I will look at it more thoroughly a little later .

All the best to you and yours,


William Theaux
June 30 at 10:07am
Hello Bob,
The problem with Opera - for the moment - is that I can know be sure if it allows sharing directories on my harddrive and using my computer like a web site with anybody and anybrowser or ONLY with opera users. I never found a clear statement about this but I have still not proff and I guess that Opera is like usual : " if it is not said conclude that this is not " (otherwise Opera would have been too proud if it coul claim that it is universal with any browser and would have claimed it boldly) . I just guess.
Now with LSD, there is no way that you unedrstand my position if you don't look at it as a psychiatrist's ( you are a musician and I wonder what you could say if piano was forbiden by law ) . Just figure that you would write everyday to peope visiting you little papers saying them to take prozac or haloperidol - you just say them : " yes take this everyday of your life " - then you would not be able to say to them " and don't forget that THC and LSD are not worth " ; if you figure this I am sure that you understand that there is no way (for a psychiatrist) to not-endorse LSD. Because it is a matter of fact. Because psychiatrists distribute drugs. ; and if they do, they must tell about good and bad with these drugs. Because if they don't endorse LSD as other drugs, they are in serious fault.
So the risk I take is not in endorsing LSD, but in endorsing a critical position in regards with my colleagues. That looks a littke the same but it is deeply different.

When psychiatry is not politics it turns into a priesthood of a politics that has become a religion. I don' know if I have to explain or if it is plain to understand.
I am not from a priesthood - and I fully agree with your feeling that there was something religious in Hofman's 100years celebration. Actually I am already in opposition with my 'psychedelics colleague' who are budding here and there around, in that they expect and promote that psychedelics can help spirituality.
" oh my God, I say to them, don't go this way ! " the same way you talk with you aunt.
Well understood, I _can't_ say LSD is not a good thing to endorse. I see that it is a matter of fact - and a better therapeutics than many other drugs in use. The thing is that it must not be turned into a religion - for this has already been done (see the Eleusis-page) and with have experienced it's backlash of repression. Adversely it must be continuously turned, taken and returned and taken as science - and in this aim, I guess I may have shown that it is an objet of a kind of energy that is called a drive in freudian way, which is the drive of a collective psychology that is called ecology.
Ecology has nothing to do with a religion - it must not have to ; it has to do with science and some still remember that science is made distinct from religion. If we can keep it distinct here, the drive that psychoanalysis show can be addressed there.
The page about Eleusis-route is one amongst several others and recent talks about this progress in understanding ecology. It has nothing to do with religion, and even nothing to do with LSD except that they are part of the phenomenon. If psychiatrists don't endorse them then they merge into a religion that we don't want.

Thank you for looking at the Eleusis road page - tell me how you feel with it and amend it if possible and if you feel like to - i'd like to spread it and make it convincing


Bob Bruno
June 30 at 4:46pm
YOU are correct in that I cannot fathom your position concerning LSD . I do wish you well .I think the bravery is beyond my current means . There was a time when I worked toward what I thought were aesthetic goals like equal rights ,truth in government , fighting the war machine . These efforts tooka lot of time and energy . I did bring attention to the falsity of how I viewed Viet Nam and actually worked a benefit in support of people who had been busted in New York . The concert "Bread for Heads" which included many other groups of 1966 as well , was held at the Filmore East , a theater on Second Avenue back then , and was to raise money to get people out of jail at that time . I sang my protest across this country . 

A few years ago , I found that one of my men , my musicians had never voted in his life . I was surprised in that he was singing my lyrics which were politically active and an affront to the system . He passed his lack of participation on to his son who told me "God will take care of it." It was terrible . Pete fell off his wagon which also included a church , the Jehovas Wittnesses , which gave him more guilt than I can write about here . I think that he started drinking , felt a major pain and went into percodan . His LSD days were gone . I recognised his addiction from 1500 miles away and directed his wife to find his stash . She did and they went to a doctor who discovered that Pete had several broken ribs and prescribed percodon ,of all things. Pete got his prescrption and his black market shit and fucked up his system . Eventually he went on methadone to get off the percodon , a bad move all around . A year and a half ago , Pete nodded out in his kitchen , fell and broke his hip . He had a hip replacement but , after the operation , he was found dead leaning on his guitar in the hospital room .

The point of this story is that there was nothing that I could do or say that would change what Pete did and I ,evidentally , had little affect on hi in the past either .he lived in Florida , a pivotal state in the election of 2000 .Pete was politically involed with a church . It is hard to believe that he really believed that stuff . His wife was incommunicate after his death and still thought that the elders were her friends though they wouldn't allow her into the church .The church had something to do with helping them get their house which was in forechosure till months after Pete's death , when some insurance money got his wife more solvent .

Pete was well aware of LSD as well as mescaline in our adventures .His religious experience ,unfortunately ,had nothing to do with LSD but with the same old Christian party line . I wish he had retained some of the illusions of our past life together instead of going into illusions of the ancient past but there was nothing I could do.Pete was a participator in life , a user , an active man . He had many tragedies around him which he had survived but he coudn't survive his own. he coudn't confront me over the phone much less his subconscious mind though I wish he had aq couple of hits of acid instead of methadone.

yea yea ..

I still have to keep moving this morning so I haven't gotten to you article so far . It would be nice to have drugs every day but I don't . Prozac and all that jazz ... I have no idea . I can't even afford to see a doctor about some viagra , so fuck it . You know best what you can proscribe .Let me just say that I've been there done that and I don't see an answer chemically . I wish I could help Suzy , who I think is showing symptoms of schizophrenia , but again , there is nothing I can do . The frustration of this realization takes too much time and looking back too much makes moving forward dangerous . Ah well, I have to go again .

Have a nice day ,

( Oh , I also wonder about Opera and haven't downloaded the newer program to make the browser open to wo knows who..but I am using it this morning ,here)

Later , 


Bob Bruno
July 1 at 1:26am
You have done it again , Will .This relationship of Greek myth copying Egyptian history seems to continue in your story of Eleusis , the continuing mystery . It seems like the myth changed Osiris into a woman yet still included some of the Isis story for some spice . The spice of hallucinigens sounds like fun . I don't quite see how you got to Amarna as the originating point , so far , though the Moses link is apparent .I will have to read and re- read , going into the Eleusian Mysteries , all Greek to me . Thank you for sending this fascinating theory of yours on to me and educating me , whetting my apatite further with the mysteries of Amarna thrown in for good measure .

It is such a strange thing that the erasing of Akhnaton from the list of Kings , the act of eradicating his very name from history by the powers that followed him , could have been so successful that the results become a form of repression yet the nature of his heretical theocracy on Egypt must have been a shock to the polytheistic society of his era .If he is seen as "The Moses" , certainly there are more reasons to repress the historical story of his life .

The inclusion of drugs on the table of the Eleusian and in Amarna make sense of some of the mystical religious fanaticism that he seemed to show . Perhaps this too is what moved Hoffman ... haha .I am not qualified to be critical of your theories or to edit your excellent paper .I will have to follow and learn more for the time being . I did have to find more on the story of Eleusis and the link at the bottom was interesting and helped a little for me , the uninitiated .

I do see parallels and continuations of the Mysteries in the Essenes of Qumran as well . Those celibate men started baptism and sacriments with wine and bread before Jesus was born .I also see them as aberations , orphans, celibate men , some practicing "Sodomites ", according to their own writers in the scrolls of Qumran .They had their mysteries and excluded most other people from the Temple ,including all married men , women , Gentiles , and most of the other Jews who they didn't like .They did pay off Herod yet created a ghost kingship in their line of David . The Jesus cult that sprang from Qumran were the beginnings of the Christian Church .The Qumran settlement Hebrews were fascinated with the Greeks and wrote their new canon in Greek incorporating their own codes of "Pesher" in the Greek books . Barbara Thiering has decifered what she believes is a consistent reading of the "Pesher" or dream story of several of the major books . The story reads like a political mystery which includes assassinations ,jealousy, love affairs , and the "exclusion" of all the supernatural elements . The many "miracales" for instance , are codes for other events .( Lazarus , after being excommunicate( dead ) , was brought back into the Temple by Jesus (brought back to life).I saw evidence of the Catholic Church being aware of the "Pesher" as late as the ninth century yet they propagated the myth further to the children . ...I am getting off track here , Will . I should have included a link to Barbara but I am not a proselyte even of her story , which I do find agreeable . So much is tied together that I find it hard to believe that modern man continues to wallow in the myths instead of searching and finding the historically , possibly repressed truth in our story , the history of civilization .

Thanks again for including me, allowing me to look at this terrific paper (site page) you have written .

Here is an interesting page dedicated to Thiering's work :I wish you woud save it and check it out sometime. Again , don't let the name fool you , there is no endorsement of the supernatural at all .I couldn't link it this time .

All the best to you , Bob
The Ecole Initiative: The Eleusinian Mysteries

The Eleusinian Mysteries, held annually in honor of Demeter and Persephone, were the most sacred and revered of all the ritual celebrations of ancient Greece. They were instituted in the city of Eleusis, ...

William Theaux
July 2 at 8:31am
hi Bob,
Thank you for your reaginds and answers. It helps me in believing that my writings are understandable - I have ad always this problem with english. It semms to make sens to you, so I will rely on them to make furthers contacts and refer to the page.
Is it also possible/do you allow that I load our conversation on my website ?
To the next ; I shall be looking at B.Thiering this WE,

Bob Bruno
July 3 at 12:46am
I suppose you are going to quote me and make me a drug addict... Oh boy .... How can I stop you ? haha .... Why worry ? I would like to see the site you are referring to sometime . 

I was surprised , as I wrote in the original note to you , how many people are taking theories for granted that we have been promoting for years . I love it ! Moses, Akh,Oedipus could become the law by osmosis . To reiterate , the Hawass article even was promoting and endorsing Tut as Akh's son . I wonder if there will ever be a DNA test on Yuya and Tut or if there is any left to compare by the time they get down to business. Hawass was the guy who mentioned a "Zionist Plot" in response to Osman's theories .I thought that it was also he behind the stopping of the DNA test in 2000 ,but then again Mubarrac isn't exactly a democratic leader and politics are so much fun in the Middle East.It isn't like they believe in Santa Clause, so why would they promote a "Zionist Plot"?

Ah well, time marches on and today my transmission is leaving my car . I can't get it out of my mind , especially as I turned around and drove home in lower gears .

Why complain ? Nobody has to face it but me . 
Now,If we could just get across the idea that Yuya might be related to Michael Jackson there wouldn't be any problem with DNA testing.
Later , Gator ,




16/05/2009 21:40
Hi Bob,
   I appreciate your comments ; especially since I keep myself somewhat remote. It's good to read from you and FaceBook has been a great media to discover your art. Super musician and super painter, this is twice big. And sure ! there is even more for your interest in history that you showed constant for such a long time makes you at least a TriceSupergister
   I admire this for I have not been able to develop several arts in the same hand. Perhaps with no art at all I have been following a single path. The reason why I stand remote now is because it has been a little far. In an unusual setting I have taken the dress again of a psychiatrist after leaving the USA in 2000 and back to France. There I am so well dressed that it has been a little drifing again when I set up a conference in 2006, in ordre that my renewed neighbourghood knew that Trismegistus has never been a 'legend', but plain history and that we know very well now who has been the Thrice Great. I have been helped by the wonderfull Daniel Kolos and the no less Hall von Hofe.
   Then by 2007 it began to drift a little more, when I reset the idea and the company which offers and help storage of DNA + Grey Litterature of one's life. And by 2008 it did'nt join back the mainstream, or was it too much in ? For cloning being forbidden in Time of Freedom I allowed this company to enlive again in the virtual world. As I said, this is in the same line as Hermeticism as a film shows :
    But it 2009 things have increase lately. By unexpected conclusion after a starter given by a recent french psychiatric publication (and the US MAPS by the way), I have come out.. with an ultrasolid thesis showing that psychedelics are a requisit for an ecological society. This has been said for a long time, but the very logical and scientific demonstration is recent. It just required that a certain developement of psychoanalysis named as plural could be confirmed by some NASA experiment, then back to Hermeticism and we have it.
   Such an embarrasing position justifies my remote stand ; but your presence by FaceBook reminded me my americain experience and the reason why I left without any wish to tell more. Except that this presence which is all that is kept from the english world just drive me to explain what I have noticed. This is the fact that there is something - like a third dimension that has not been reached in the US. As you first show it again - but as your presence  came again, quiet and gentle with a funny song about Oedipus; I feel I will describe it.
   You did show it again and gave confirmation of that repression when you posted about A.Osman. We are all friend together, but when I left the USA, I believe I remember Charles Pope who bet that they would make it without Oedipus' memory. For this is the point : Americans - and culture is a very strong hypnotic equalizator - don't want to know anything about Oedipus. Yet as it is always due with repression, it means nothing but the very Oedipus Complex. What you want to escape, you find youself with it in your bak, isn't it?
   None of my friend then spoke again with me. It is weird at such point that you can see their continuing site and work where there is no mention of me though they claim what I revealed to them in term of historical update. The American bet has been paid on Ahmed's success in hope to garanty that memory could come back with the sole help of the sole Moses identification as Akhnaton. But you can't escape Oedipus. Even Ahmed aknowledged this that I taught him previously, in front of us when he arrrived in NewYork where I invited him. But he was only Ahmed and how could he resist to the embrace of his many new US believers who abduced him, saying to him "forget Oedipus, let's do the thing without it/him".
   But when you want to repress such part, the complex comes so powerfull that.. did you know that the film they cannot make so far - title Moses and Nefertiti - has the title of a book writen by an american friend of mine. He wrote it after taking all his knowledge from me then disapearing to write this book in secret (that was sometime by 1989, then the book has been published in the US with thanks to Dr 'Theux' at its opening... a dear typo for a psychoanalyst, since my name is Theaux but my grand-father got this name from his mother who herself came from a country where Theaux was a altered name for Theux ! This has been understood when my father inadvertently bought a house just in front of a sacred hill in this country of which he knew nothing - especially knowing not that the hill was named by Theux who was a magician with a Chruch on the top to reminds his deeds. Theux was a sacred name in this country and plain people who would bear his memory were named Theaux ). He remains a friend though since intellectual property is not an issue to me, but in the Oedipus Complex it become a stolen book that make the title of Ahmed's US friends's enterprise ! it's funny.
   But as long as there is Oedipus integrated with Akhnaton's memory, the identification of Moses will be halted. Since after praising Ahmed you aluded to a larger mystery and resonated the Oedipus Ballad, I am pleased to confirm : yes, it is much larger.





face book 200903221325 from DWT
hello Bob 

I see your progress on FaceBook and enjoy your music and pictures (I have recommanded you to one of my artist friends who may contact you ). I see that you have still Akhnaton in mind. If Akh has ever existed he certainly teaches us how memory works ! I see that you are well and positive - thanks good. You were in turmoil with facebook and what belongs to whom and other copyright and proprietary issues ; you may know or/and be interested with my continuing work after back in France year 2000. Since then I have resumed here my studies and prototype for DNA preservation - conservation and preservation of what DNA means in facts, behaviors and products that one individual life creates. I believe that DNA maries forever the forms, organs, tools, works and games that environment creates with it during one life-wedding. Then this couple may divorce at death or living like old-couples. This is DNA preservation which collects in one tiny time-capsule DNA and memo-bio, to be sometimes re-enacted in virtual reality. Perhaps shall we meet live in virtual-reality by year 2300 - or perhaps will you visit France sooner. Anyhow, it is nice to talk with you there. Have good days and nights. William -- trip in China was successfull we were lucky to be with chinese-speaking-&-reading people and we were only slightly on another planet Bob Bruno, à 16:04 le 22 mars 

reply from Bob
Will,Your theories continue to provoke creative thought .The idea that "DNA is re-enacted in Virtual reality" is facscinating. Writing in itself could be representative here in cyber space , as your theories have continued and propogated.Your virtual identification of the DNA of Akhnaton ,Moses,and Oedipus is a strong and exciting communication that will be recognised through this media over time and over many miles. 


   Et toujours sous forme d'un régime de littérature grise, ces quelques bribes encore


Bob Bruno
February 11 at 5:15pm
I hardly recognized you with your new "Do" but I know you are in there .I hope you can still write in English sometimes ...haha . In Akhnaton you guys went to French and then nobody wrote anything anymore . I think of you often as you brought the theories together as well as so many people . Thanks for adding me as a friend . I included a link that features my paintings and music.I am not selling anything and no animals were hurt in the production of this note .

All the best to you and Yours ,

Bob ( the other "Z" , "Zoot")
Time Traveler

William Theaux
February 22 at 2:01am
hi bob my ID pic has been built in Second Life it is semi-virtual if you remember DNA preservation i have continued the company in France looking "farward" to be re-enacted in SL after RL - RealLife. Akhnaton is in good heath too come and join !! :-) I am currently visiting my daughter in China writing on a SMS keyboard back in France next week with you later rmore easily be well Will

Bob Bruno
February 22 at 2:38am
Hey , I dug the pic in China with your daughter , a great shot of the world traveler from France . How exciting to be in China ! I know that the mainland isn't the same as Beijing or the propaganda put forth . My friend Miranda , who who was studying Qigong with her master there , told me tales out of school about plumbing across the country that wasn't as attractive as the expensive Olympic moments presentation . I am still a member of the Akhnaton group on Yahoo but I haven't seen anything happening there for a while . 
Hey , Will, have a ball and enjoy your trip seeing your daughter . Have you had a chance to speak with people there about Akh , Oedipus and Moses ? I wonder if there are folks there that are aware of your infectious theories . I am glad to know you , at least in cyberspace . 

Stay who you are . "....But I was so much older then , I'm younger than that now .." Bob Dylan 

All the best , 




complément/suite : Bob Bruno :





En résumé et en pratique :

   Une fois le silence objectivé, l'étape suivante de l'analyse est rendue possible ; avec ce vide, les coordonnées d'une psychanalyse sont constituées. Pourquoi ce silence général en réponse à un propos qui n'est ni véhément, ni provocateur et qui a pour accommoder son grand intérêt potentiel, une petite crédibilité du moins suffisante pour justifier une considération.
   Comme on la trouve dans le commentaire de Bob Bruno qui fait allusion au "pseudo-religious" - je pense que c'est la question de la spiritualité qui détourne de ce que j'indique. Avec la spiritualité, l'usage des voiles et particulièrement des passions voilées, est significatif. Le livre cité (Médecine Psychédélique) fait allusion au développement spirituel que l'on pourrait attendre, par exemple du LSD. J'indique au contraire que la spiritualité a déjà joué son rôle avec le LSD - qui a donné cours ensuite à la religion qui a présidé à notre époque contemporaine. Il n'y a pas de raison de recommencer. Il faut plutôt prendre, 'reprendre', à partir de ce qui a été déjà parcouru : le shamanisme puis la spiritualité et la religion.. tout cela aboutissant à un symptôme - le malaise de notre époque. C'est à partir de l'analyse de ce symptôme que la psychanalyse relance l'histoire du LSD, mais au motif - non plus de la spiritualité dépassée : au motif de la science.

   Dans sa perspective la plus large, la science elle-même a pour motif ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui l'écologie (c'est à dire la relation et l'histoire de la relation entre l'environnement et telle ou telle espèce). Mais pour la part où revient le LSD, j'explique par ailleurs Alt eBook avec plus de précision qu'il s'agit de la science psychologique, mais précisément de la psychologie collective, de laquelle l'énergie reconnue - pulsion - trouve son objet dans le neuro-transmetteur (dont le LSD non des moindre). A cette cause, la situation de la science biologique, biochimie neurologique, est en position de semblant ; la science effective où le neuro-transmetteur psychédélique est en cause est la psychologie collective.

   J'ajoute donc en conclusion et pour ouvrir à la suite, que pour appliquer cette science, il faut faire usage du LSD dans un contexte - un setting - qui soit approprié. Il ne s'agit pas de culte ou de rituel ou de messe. Il s'agit de fournir une adaptation sociologique transitive : autant à la prise de drogue qu'à son époque c'est à dire à présent à la technologie qui l'autorise. Pour autant qu'il n'y a pas d'identification sans mémoire, l'identification de cette modernité ne saurait se fait sans la reconnaissance de l'histoire de la sociologie propre à Eleusis - porte introductive du LSD dans l'histoire comme la page déjà citée le suggère. C'est l'étape qui suit l'analyse et que je poursuis ; je produirai donc en seconde page la manière dont le PLuriel ANalytique est indiqué à la prise de drogue collective ( au lieu de la préséance shamanique) et comment il récolte les effets de l'Art de la Mémoire d'Eleusis (Céos/Simonide).