FROM acti.htm

If the genes - i.e. the articles of the DNA code - are setting the features of the organism as a Democratic Civil code does with a country, they may concurrently be helping us to better understand what a logic of code is in our politics.

Here is, for instance, a riddle that one can meditate on:

At first sight, it can be asserted that a certain gene will command the regulation of a certain hormone. Another would regulate certain tissue fat, or the color of the eyes etc...There are millions of such gene-determined features within a living organism.

A first crack at this rationality came with psychiatry and psychology. The gene of intelligence, the gene of adaptativity, or of madness..; those concepts may have made one laugh; yet they persist with some strong arguments. For instance, some scientists fiercely hold that there are such genes for depression and schizophrenia.

There is an elegant way to overcome the issue. Let's suppose that one would not say that dna holds a gene for schizophrenia, but that dna may BE schizophrenic. I may make one laugh again, yet think twice - for certain studies bridging psychology and biology disclose how much they are parallel, at the semantic, code, and linguistic levels.

This remarkably widens the understanding of genetics. DNA is not only a set of command records - it is a STRUCTURE which is very close to an IDENTITY. It may be very frightening to consider that Science may have touched upon the cyphering of the soul  - but it is even more compelling spriritualy to observe a soul imprinting one's identity in the material world.

© CYBEK of New York, 1999.