The way for Ecology

skip for General Approach

A Genetical approach

There are "Environmental problems" - they are solved by displacement of the problem.
This is an operation aimed towards an outer image.
Yet our planet encounters also another level of problematic.

What defines an Ecological Problem ?

An Ecological problem is set when the inner image - alias the code or the paradigm - of an entity, or a system, is the goal - the object - of its activity of regulation.

Regulation of breeding by hormones

Regulation of pleasure by drugs

Regulation of pollution by industry

Regulation of identity by genetical engineering

These are Cybernetical (loops, feed-back) riddles

An inner image is a regulation element (pleasure, population, pollution, identity...)

One's auto-intervention upon one's auto-regulation
defines and Ecological problem,
which requires specific measures called Ethics.

An Ethics begins with an analysis and is realized in an Art of Memory -

e.g. for the 20th Century, psychoanalysis and PLAN, PLural ANalysis.

the paradigm of Genetics
the paradigm of Endocrinology (hormones)
the paradigm of Pleasure
the paradigm of Industry

Plural Analysis is an Ethics
which applies to Ecology


Plural Analysis is the reactivation of the Traditional technic - named The Art of Memory -, divulged in the Antiquity  by Simonides in Athens (with Socrates, Plato) - as it has been transmitted by Cicero later in Roma - then again later by the Hermeticists  (G.Bruno) during the Renaissance.

With Plural Analysis, PLural ANalysis alias PLAN,
it is updated for the Computer Ages
with a triple implication.


(click on
the schema for
more detailed informations)

PLAN associates the 3 expertise levels which strengthen the Art of Memory - as a traditional Group Management usually prescribed for times of chaos, and granted to be permanent in the Computer Age.
It combines the sciences of Sociology (animating the anomy object), Psychology (performing psychoanalysis) and Linguistics (binding Code and Significand).

As well as a therapy for communities in turmoil and consequently their members, PLAN is an "Art of Working" together; it enables social enterprises to focus their goal towards environmental harmony, thus releasing their actors from guilt and delusion.

It is a tool for decision making, for educational, and for research groups.
One of the challenge of the 20th Century has been to address the impact and the alteration due to computing, digitization, and electronization of the information. Because PLAN integrates these factors (Artificial Intelligence, Network, Cybernetics, engineering of code), it one of the most advanced and culturally rooted - if not the most - technique for Group Management to facilitates the transition of communities which enter the Computer Ages.


In a time where Direct Democracy is made possible by the Network Computer Systems, DNA Groups present a first application of this Ethics Policy.

Direct Democracy was promised and always expected from the setting times of the Parliamentary Modern States - but the available technologies were expected to come later... So, the first Mass Revolutions began with establishing governmental systems which were accountable for being temporary.
Yet, once the day rises bringing the network tools for Direct Democracy, the original organizations of the state are already sclerosed - and would require violent revolution to apply their initial purpose.

To avoid a destructive alteration of the temporary preamble States, Genetics, in its own field, gives an opportunity to birth the achieved organization of the civilized States. Because Genetics and its technologies recast the notion of "individual", social identity, it can breed the new soil of Direct Democracy. DNA Groups are models for such seeds.

It is expected that, in this circumstances, a method of social management which was presented in theory (Art of Memory) during the civilization phases, eventually implement the communal behavior of this Direct Democracy - this is PLAN, i.e. the Art of Memory completed with the computer logic (cybernetics) which implement its achievement.
gives the method which manage DNA Groups as Direct Democracy buds.



© CYBEK of New York, 1999.