CYBEK NewsLetter Sep 04 1998goto first NewsLettergoto previous NewsLetter


A trip in France July-August was my excuse for skipping writing one NewsLetter. Yet, I gave a speech in Paris, in front of my family members. I would like to title it the Discourse at Lutece goto FootNote 10 . I shall try to report it for this September NewsLetter.

The familial nature of my environment for this professional talk follows the circumstance of repression that generally surrounds my social activity. Still today this NewsLetter is read by a very limited number of members, and the interest that is shown for my work - except for a fair frequentation of the site - is closed to zero degree. Nor in Forum, Newsgroup, Maillists, there is a single echo to my presentations ; no eMail contact, no appointement and nobody signed up for the Seminar which has been announced bigginning in September. This social isolation is not new, as I explained to my family members - in the case of an important, clear and well documented thesis that I promote, it is even classical.
As repression usually welcomes any change in the common ignorance, it is as boring as war, that Collective Psychology preferes, as a compensation for its reluctance of Truth.
Hopefuly, one can see advantages in this compelling compulsion of ostracism of knowledge : it brings out an understanding of the power, and also the limits, of our Collective Psychology. The power of the social environment is such that all individual desire for communication and/or information is absolutely subjected to its dicta. On the other extreme, limits are shown in that the idealisation process of which it is built, cannot been enlightened. In other words. Collective Psychology will not release its self-knowledge.
Individuals exist who have been able to overcome this impediment ; yet they are quite few for their deed has no meaning but an utmost taboo - incest in the case of Oedipus, rape in the case of the modern hero. They are thus elected for the anomia, described by the Sociologist E.Durkheim goto note 20 - about the word 'anomia' . Their time is waiting for the slow echo coming from their silence or their repression ; this atonal reflection coming from a void is visible today as Technology, which builds up into the Collective Psychology's body. In general, this production of the repression of knowledge is the Artificial Intelligence, whose description I was completing at Lutece - as follow:

Artificial Intelligence can be described or defined as Industry of Code. We can understand its meaning by comparison with an Industry of the Letter that we know and that we are able to analyse. The industry of the Letter builds up the ability to lie, the conception of time, and consequently borders reality and truth. The Code is in charge of another dimension, as it manifests for instance through relativity. Regarding relative forms for example, the Code is known as resulting in DNA composition. It appears also in societies, for example through Civil Code which identifies the relative forms of nations or cultures.
Economically, the industry of Code is responsible for computer sciences, as well as sciences of politics, genetics etc... and always manifests, as through various techniques : robotics, genetic engineering, mass media etc... These techniques build up a new regime which enters in action once the industry of the Letter has completed its operation of civilization. With a reality of space and time and a memory of archives, the Letter's fruit may be ripe for the consomption of the Code.

This is why I could explain in Lutece my implication in the development of Genetics.
As we know, Cybek promotes the popularization of individul DNA preservation. This is part of the indutry of Code. As the principally what emerges of it at the present time goto FootNote about DNAkit experiment , it is a moment for expanding the analysis - that is, in my position, to observe the other blind spot points from which one can approach the Collective Psychology's repression.

As for an investigation of a Purloined Letter see last update in our present society, wearing the dark glasses of anomia made it easy to look at an obvious place within the field of genetics and reproduction, comparable with a central shelf from which all documents have already been swiped by the police, allegedly for further forensic examination. On this devastated area, once hosting essays about Freedom for Cloning Oneself, and other books about Mass-Genetics of Consciousness, a broken vase is all that remains for Psychoanalytic investigation.
Amongst this ruin of dust, this unusually damaged labware is what calls for identification.
In search of what is repressed, the method of Psychoanalysis is looking at was is not said, abandoned, neglected. Actually, what it seeks has often been said, at least once, and then effectively repressed. In this case, what I called above broken vase is the unoperated experiment on In Vitro Gestation. Such breeding technique of embryos and fetuses in hardware, incubators and aparatus placentas, until they are ready to be born, has been mentioned by at least one famous author. Artificial Gestation is described in Huxley's Brave New World ; and yet, In Vitro Gestation is no more reflected anywhere. There are NO tubes, nor labs around the world which experiment with artificial pregnancy.
Related information remains unformulated as well - except for a few Science Fiction novels ; no mention is made of any desire - or its opposite - of mankind for such a possibility, nor consideration for possible beneficial changes it may cause in an ecosystem currently endangered by its own natural intelligence.

Since mankind experiments in many various fields, it is hard to find one that is not touched except for this obvious blind spot. Of course, In Vitro Gestation may be studied in rare secret labs - yet precisely this is reinforcing the notation of a special repression. I don't want to advocate Freedom goto FootNote n35 , Science and Knowledge ; politicians do not like when unauthorized person do their job. I just notice this broken illusion and, simply as I operated my investigation on Akhnaton, I could get enough in gathering basic information for completing the bases of a Psychoanalysis. Nothing more than a few books and reports were enough for meeting with competent Egyptologists - and to observe their behavior. Today; the resulting interpretation is consistant for any honest observor. In the case of In Vitro Gestation, my basic knowledge in medicine allowed me to interview specialists who all confirmed that there must not be any objective obstacle against a possibility for In Vitro Gestation experiment.
If there is no known impossibility, whether an instrumental method for fetuse growth is possible, can only be said though experimentation goto FootNote about logic of possible and memory .

An interesting observation could be made with every interview. After their answers, regularly I received a question in return : what would be the reason for such study ?
There again, I do not want to encroach on anyone's field. Whether Economists, or Biologists, or Psychologists etc... each one of them would find within one day's consideration, hundred good reasons for interest in In Vitro Gestation. The innocent aspect of the question that was returned to me, was sufficient to indicate the deep action of the repression amongst the scientists with whom I was speaking.

In my Discourse at Lutece, I was explaining to my folks how and why my career embarked ultimately upon reaching the investigation of the status of In Vitro Gestation. This is also what I do and announce in this NewsLetter. Since Lutece however, a new member of my family asked me another question instead of the usual what for? He asked : why do you? I answered that looking at what is irrationally unsaid was part of my expertise, if not my duty. He could then give me his opinion about the unexploration of the field of In Vitro Gestation. He thinks that there would be numbers of people who would be furious if they knew that such experiments were held anywhere on this planet.
It is not hard to imagine, but it was good to hear it said.

The next update page will be on Moses - and the meaning of anger, according to the esoteric description of Moses' operation. It will be then possible to update a further page about Resistance.

    Dr. William THEAUX, NYC 98/09/02 11:52:01

NOTE 10 : Lutece was the name of Paris city before the GrecoRoman culture <back to text>

NOTE 20 : E.Drukheim was the founder of Sociology in Paris in 1900. Beside the Association (A) as for representing the object of his science, the anomia (a) is the core definition of the individual. As it fundamentaly refers to suicide, anomia can however be dedramatized when related to the solving depression that ends the Narcissic phase of Human Psychology . This subjective henge goto Note of Note about the word 'henge' marks the admissibility beyond the Pleasure Principle <back to text>

NOTE of the NOTE : 'henge' as for hinge or hedge is an appropriate term for the use of Lacanian topology  <back to note>

NOTE 30 : Practicaly the experiment with the marketing of DNA kits is enlightening. Many people have visited the pages and there has not been a single order nor any question or feed-back. As there practically no other easy tool for conservation of one's DNA, it means that amongs hundred of visitors, none has been looking for taking this sane and caring measure. When Genetics will become as commun as banking our money, this situation will nearly be unbelievable. Yet, it is possible to study its mechanism - a page (an update still in preparation today) will describe thi structure.<back to text>

NOTE 35 : Part of this Newsletter as been cut by the censorship of an editor. This part will nevertheless be available in a location (still in preparation today) <back to text>

NOTE 40 : The obstacle Psychoanalysis discloses in regards to the material possibility of the most repressed future probability, is similar to the one its discloses in regards to memory with Akhnaton's probable Primal Scene casuistic. While there is no impossibility for the Triplex identification of Akhnaton, the Academia of our Grave Old World would not attempt any consultations that would clearly gather the affirmation of its possibility. <back to text>



© CYBEK of New York, 1999.