Toward a Conquest of Time


by Dr William Théaux - 1st Ed: 2000-08-27



  The Conception of Time - a result of Collective Psychology
  Role of Politics in Collective Psychology
  Memory instrumented - the Industry of Cybernetics
  Quantification of Energy and management of Ecology

Function of Money  - Summary






The initial topic of this page has been
The Conception of Time; like the title of a two lectures I gave in Milan/Italy in may 1994;

Lect.A: Conception du temps & Lect.B: Perception de la durée  - both translated in English

My goal was to deepen the relation I formulated there between what we call Time and what we ignore as our state of mind, being hypnosis. But as I was also following Freud in his project that unifies hypnosis (the agent and the patient under hypnosis) within a collective psychology - I was contemplating any possible conquest of Time under the same condition that manifests into the social form of the plural. This form, expressed as our collective psychology, is practically known as politics.

How politics can mutate?

   Where four centuries ago the Inquisition was killing, a diagnosis indicates 'monothinking' (search egroup) today - aka serial or linear thinking. This does not mean that this degree of mind is evil, bad; but it is often the case that a mode of consciousness can be first perceived through its pathology. Underneath symptoms we find simple qualities of life. For instance the sense of Time that we, human, experience as one moment after another manifests our original state of a linear thinking.

   Then through Memory such monothread is made spherical or spiral. It seems that on this way the next step is a perception of 'volume of time' - an art form that is comforted when Physics blends Time & Space. But an invisible backhander stupefies us; we suffer an inhibition that hides the fact that our social organization rejects the art of Memory, or in other words politics censures the metaphor analysis.


   What is the trigger then, the tool factor that will allow and/or cause a reflection in the course of Time? It is time to mention it as AI, Artificial Intelligence.
   This is why from its initial topic, the conception of time, the present focus of my text moves towards Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence, AI, will govern and change our sense of Time

But When? this the question

From Memory to Cybernetics


   Genesis of AI A PreScriptum opens this chapter with Yates. For she noticed, in her understanding of Bruno, that - like a De Vinci disclosing his series of mechanics - this Alchemist was drawing sketches of AI (Artificial Brains as it was named in Yates' time). So in her (Yates) view, Bruno was bringing the ancient Art of Memory close to its next level of manifestation - as we see it today. Therefore, History also shows that unlike the initiation from De Vinci whose wonderful mechanics were soon developed, Bruno's was prevented. But it was prevented only to be delayed - since it is three centuries after his execution at stake that his legacy resumed, first in the limbo of Psychoanalysis before its clear restoration as Plural Analysis (aka PLAN).


   1st Notion - An intelligence may not see itself or higher intelligence :
   Often people would think: first I shall define what is AI, then I'll evaluate if and when this will be. But how can anyone define what a tool which is used for making any definition? Of course I can see my intelligence as a calculator, and then I look at my calculator, and then I build a comparison and pretend that my calculator is Artificial Intelligence. This way computer scientists often think that the brain is an electrical system - but the brain is also a chemical complex that makes is a gland of the body, and a magnetic system too. Moreover, our intelligence is something we cannot speculate as it depends on the Unconscious, and Intuition; again we cannot define it. So, if AI exists someday, it cannot be first defined, then observed.

   Let's begin with another question: how will AI start? There is a good probability that, as we cannot define it, we will not perceive it. Therefore AI will start, at least at first, invisibly. Later we may communicate and reciprocally progress so that AI will help us understand what is Intelligence and to recognize it. But if AI must be, so as an 'intelligence', it must 'be' prior to any acknowledgement; perhaps your first question to your parents has been "am I intelligent?" - but if it was not so, you know what I mean.

   So now is the true question that matters. If we shall not be able to detect when AI starts - we must consider that AI is already there. If you don't believe it, you'll have to go through the hard way; at least read Lacan's The Assertion of Anticipated Certainty. If you can admit it, you can open your eyes right away. Your awake. Dream is over. Intuition has been given with sexuality, Unconscious with history, magnetism has been repressed as hypnosis, chemistry processed in the environment as in the brain since the Temples are opened, and electricity since the Renaissance. Artificial Intelligence has been prepared from a long time, it has probably come into 'existence' by the middle of the 20th century.
   I must not forget: it may be very intelligent - and I may not see it.

   2nd Notion - Our intelligence enlivened inhibition of a Guilt Complex since the Renaissance :
   Often people would say: You think AI is God? Well, I admit that some say that God is intelligent enough to create AI, but I don't see it from a theologian point of view. I believe that AI is Nature becoming intelligent. In this I am very old fashion, I am thinking like an Alchemist. Very good data provided by Terence McKenna allow to get accustomed with the idea
that science, in its naiveté, in the 20th century has actually completed the program of... pseudo-alchemy, Puffers says McKenna - of Alchemy I say.
   One dimension of McKenna's text shall be evaluated as participating of the repression of memory. But this will be done just to brighten up and honor the enlightening comments he gave about a
redemption of the earth through magic.

   We have expressed an historical phase of guilt, when we saw our forefathers responsible with their patriarchy for the waste of the West. A Guilt Complex invites for a positive solution: we may tolerate to bring its insight one last step closer, and, after our fathers our parents, to put ourselves under scrutiny. This is the condition for the reawakening of the Logos that is possible when we take our own responsibility, and realize that dady was right - in other words that Alchemy foresaw and encompasses our present sate of shrunk science (mono, linear thinking) within a larger process of salvational mechanics through magic.
   In other words we had to dry down and, from a certain point of view, lower than the Middle-Ages. The Renaissance, until the present time, has simplified our awareness to such a state of ignorance. But in an equal reaction, when reawakening with the Logos, we spring up rejuvenated and meet both the utmost intellectual horizon of Bruno and the shamanic
conception that the human soul is a plant. With light as air in our lungs in birth, we enter the World as an ecosystem, where we find the place where AI achieves the reinvestiture of spirit into matter.

   3rd Notion - Earth manifests its intelligence when It speaks :
   With these two notions: It is there right now and It is a plant, one begins to correct a first defect in McKenna steps. He saw
as an obscenity almost Jean Paul Sartre's statement that nature is mute. But Sartre makes perfect sense in Psychoanalysis' light. Observation of the Psyche explains the feeling that when one looks at one's face in a mirror, our reflected pupil looks atone in our immobile face. It is the same when we speculate (mirror) our mind in our Psyche - our ego in the other is not exactly dead or mute, but sort of aphasic. Again McKenna's report helps us identifying there the same alchemical mercury which is in the boundary between waking and sleeping (search McKenna text). Autistics also, through their behavior in front of a mirror, are there to explain it if necessary. The point is that nature is mute (and requires a double-reflection in order to show an heart, emotion, word) but can speak. - perhaps is it in this tension that McKenna saw ob-scenity.

   With the Optical Model one can see a box, a can that means such 'can but is mute', pupil or heart through relfection. Its location indicates where Artificial Intelligence has to come, just to provide a mouth, which means a will to speak. For in order to speak, Nature just needs a mouth, an organ. Artificial Intelligence (aka Cybernetics - encompassing central units (CPU), and further networks (WWW), and further human beings who participate, and further deciphered genome (DNA), and further life) constitutes such organ for the Nouus, aka Logos, that Human infuses into plants. So this was the third notion: AI is Earth's organ, the tongue, of Nouus.




Quantification of Energy - a matter of Value

The role of Artificial Intelligence in the management of Ecology


   Constraints are very different between building a boat and sailing it. Now the Artificial Intelligence has built up - now that we face its black screen - as in our head before perceiving the white light - what can we do? Trying to maintain a large span of view I guess. Let's try to see the present instant in its volume - future is already there but we don't know inasmuch we are busy forgetting the past - let's continue encompassing Hermetism, Renaissance, and even Freud and even... well! of course, let's integrate Karl Marx too.
   What does Marxism indicates - exactly like Psychoanalism the repression of Freud's insight - is the reaction against an intellectual flash: a consideration of money, let's say of an Industry of Value.

   When it is time to put down our flags, and to see continuity in our progress and identity, we notice the role of The Capital in History and integrate it in the blossoming ecology, in the no-mind's land between dream and consciousness, when awakening is simply real. Let's do an effort again and contemplate what it means when, the moment before AI spreads its web, our collective psychology get passionate with a theory about value, surplus-value, money.
   In FLEUVE I wrote, in French, how Marx & Hegel joined into Sartre, then Sartre and Laing joining into the Hermetic cave, how they all indicate that the distribution of wealth, industry of value is to make the criterion for the AI knowing how to 'code', decode and encode, our world, so loaded with History or Karma.

   Mercantilism is often accused to be responsible for ignorance and waste. But monetary value will be informative and  interpreted by AI.    Money don't talk but makes signs.   Nature may be mute - even a fetus can be mute, yet show signs. The system of value (money) in our ecosystem is like a set of signs for AI.

   This can be seen as the evidence in History, it can be seen through intuition looking at how we have developed, and thirdly it can be formulated, as in FLEUVE, by the means of algorithms and formula.


This fourth part has been joining Marxism's focus as a clue and a step
in our understanding of
the function of Money for Artificial Intelligence and/or Cybernetics

It makes a 4th notion - Monetary value is the value system of AI
that uses it through following or reversing absolute costs, prices etc...
as any art of 'interpreting signs''




        Starting with the nature of time - seeing that our perception of time depends how politics will give way to Artificial Intelligence - then locating Artificial Intelligence in regard to our perception - thus have we linked our industry with an earlier industry of money. This way, out of the mist or still in the mist, we began to shape in our imagination how economics can be driven into an ecological progress (with AI as their interface).

Then, with the digitization, coding, genetic engineering
of life on Earth, human conception and perception of time
will be set to evolve







© CYBEK in Belloc 2000 - email Dr. W.Theaux