Descriptions & Excerpts of CYBEK's Publications website, the complete version by Zenon Kelper

DESCRIPTION : Cybekakn.exe is a self-extracting zip file which will develop on your hard or zip drive the entire web site. It is the July 1999 version of this dymanic presence on the web since 1996, which covers the historical, egyptological identification of Hermes Thoth Trismegistus (e.g.Akhnaton Moses Orpheus/Oedipus) plus the post-Lacanian development known as PLAN, which extends Psychoanalysis up to Ecology - including essays on Cybernetics, Hermetism.

CONTENTS : Mini-Web (8,92MB) including approx 148 files/pages HTM - 309 graphics (41 animated)

History/Egyptology--------(from 8AKH.HTM)

These series of events do not fit with the idea that Akhnaton simply died in Egypt. His successors (Amon priesthood) destroyed traces of him. (this is why he was discovered only recently by Egyptologists). They erased him from all historical records (and even later negotiated with neighboring nations to also delete his name from memory, and asked that records of their relationships with him be obliterated from their archives (see Kadesh/Quades: negotiation with Hittites). Then they took one of his sons, ThotAnkhAton, and changed his name into ThotAnkhAmon, (famous King Tutankamon). They brought him back to Thebes where he reigned as a child king for a short time, before being killed (in all likelihood).

Psychoanalysis/Cybernetics/Memory--------(from 8MOS.HTM)

Although a correct record of History, Akhnaton's conversion in Moses implies a change of perspective. History - and symptom - shows what and how it is seen from the other 'point of view'. The second position of the (Lacanian) Optical Model illustrates the 'other-side' perspective, when the beyond-the-mirror space become the place of reality's perspective :

Pic.20 allows a representation of Akhnaton's familial complex.
As the naming (of the Father) processes form one side (left) to the other (beyond the mirror),
the symbols of the family and lineage members show their constitution

The optical model  (Pic.20) illustrates how from its subjective point of view, A does not see the red condensation created in the concave mirror check Creation of Real image in Concave Mirror , but by the mean of its reflection after it had taken place beyond the plan mirror when vertical. This illustrates how objectivation process occurs, beginning with a de-subjectivation which now manifests from the reflected point of view: M.

Genetics/Ecology--------(from ITSY.HTM)

This representation of the metonymic thread indicates its difference dimension ('slight<2-link> difference' also described as split) by a vertical axis as well as an alteration of the complexed squared point<3-link> know as the Fantasm (in Lacanian terms). It illustrates the transition of the Metonymic into the Metaphor (Patronymic)

The 'f ' <2-link> (that I called elsewhere skewer) which points to this algorythm on the schema (above), indicates also the coil of the most selfish gene that Genetics discovered as the Y chromosome. For this father-to-son transmitted DNA passes through the male bodies along Time and generations, as the METONYMIC through the fantasm - alias as the PATRONYMIC through the filiation (body chain) - [NOTE the patronymic is then after represented in Metaphor]

The Complete Web Site by Zenon Kelper

Presentation of PLAN to the American Psychoanalytic Association (PLAN/APA) by Dr.William Theaux

DESCRIPTION : PLAN - PLural ANalysis - is the update of Psychoanalysis, according to Freud's wishes to 'bridge the gap between individual and collective psychologies.' The APA presentation focused on the application of PLAN for University and Research teams. It is an opportunity for a complete description of the method, its history, its technique and its goal.

CONTENTS : Mini-Web "PLANAPA" (1,12MB) including 13 pages HTM (9907 words) - 15 graphics (4 animated)


The principle of Distributed Extraction evacuates obsolete patterns.
Meanwhile the group keeps its autonomy; their is no transfer of leadership
and the members of the group keep their self-identity.
Moreover, while each one enjoys privacy of individual sessions,
the group creativity and focus on productivity are actuated.


First with Totem and Taboo (1911), then with his essay of Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1912), Freud's watchfulness focused increasingly on history, religion and civilization. In his last book he eventually declared that without 'bridging the gap between individual and mass-psychology' ... 'we are unable to advance a step further on our way, either in psychoanalysis or in mass psychology'. This final call, published in Moses and Monotheism (1938), has remarkably been followed, for many years, amongst his successors, with no consequences. The lack of responses to Freud's warning may be explained by a need for firstly securing the early foundation of the discipline. It may also be understood that Freud was expressing a personal unreachable dream. In both cases, the unsolved question must be clarified. It is from this frontier that we shall describe the perspective of PLAN hereby.


The name Phoenix Mechanism has been given by a physicist during a conversation when laws and mechanics in the theory of fundamental physics were compared with the social functions as there are processed in PLAN.
There is a modern project for reflecting together the sciences of mind and matter. Such project begun with Freud-Einstein communication in the early 20th century, Today, when these specialized studies attempt to merge, they meet on the intermediary field which is the Knowledge of the Environment. They are necessarily, both and together, aiming toward an industry for the enhancement of an ecology and development of life.

Presentation of PLAN to the American Psychoanalytic Association by Dr.William Theaux

Living in Truth; Archeology and the Patriarchs by Charles Pope

DESCRIPTION : The Egyptian New Kingdom included the most famous imperial persons of ancient times, including Tutankhamun, Nefertiti, Akhenaten, Thutmose III, Amenhotep III and Ramesses the Great. DNA testing of the surviving royal mummies is presently incomplete, and may not be sufficient to fully determine genetic inheritance within the court of that period. Nevertheless, through the synthesis of archaeology, the Bible, Greek traditions and other historical sources, it is now possible to know with great certainty who the members of this ancient Egyptian royal family were, and precisely how they were related to one another. (see larger abstract)

CONTENTS : Mini-Web "CPLIT" (1,29MB) including 29 pages HTM (38751 words) - mirrored version MSword - 13 graphics (2 charts)


In the book of Genesis, the flight of the Patriarchs from Babylon and their Sojourn in Egypt is attested. Their royalty and kingship both in Babylon and in Egypt are frequently alluded to, but never made explicit. Conversely, in the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles, the Patriarchs are explicitly named as sovereigns, however the seat of their dynasty has been transferred from Thebes in Egypt to Jerusalem in Israel. These two forms of abstraction led to independent, but highly synergistic accounts of Jewish origins. They were equally effective in preserving even the most intimate family history without directly associating the Patriarchs with what later became vehemently denounced as idolatry, incest, pride, and genocide. By using this interpretative key and overlaying the archaeology of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty onto the Biblical narrative, the biographies of the Patriarchs, both personal and public, official and unofficial can now be retold in vivid, verse by verse detail.

(from CP01CWA.HTM/DOC)

In Genesis Chapters 12-15 we find Abram "criss-crossing" the land of Canaan and Egypt, and calling upon the name of the Lord (Yahweh). This is an obvious allusion to the earlier "evangelist" Nabu who traveled "throughout the lands" garnering support for his exiled father Marduk/Re, son of Ea/Enki (Yahweh) (Note 12). Abram's first stop is at Shechem were "the Lord" appears to him. The place of meeting is named as the "great tree of Moreh" (cf Mamre) in Genesis. It is named as the "oak in Ophrah" (cf Ephron) in Judges. However, this was not a spiritual visitation of Yahweh to Abram, but a purely physical encounter with his half-brother Pharaoh Sequenenre Tao II (i.e., Baal, "the Lord/Master.").

(from CP04SSP.HTM/DOC)

The mother of Moses is named in the Bible as Jochebed, which means "nobility of Jo/Yah." This Hebrew name has an identical meaning to the Greek name of Oedipus' mother, which is given in the Sophocles plays as Jocaste (also "nobility of Jo/Yah"). The mother of the historical Akhenaten is confirmed by archaeology to be Tiye. Tiye was the daughter of the Prime Minister "Ya" (Vizier Yuya of 18th Dynasty Egypt, see Note 1). Therefore, the historical mother of Akhenaten, Tiye, was literally of the "nobility of Jo/Yah" as well. In other words, Jochebed of the Bible and Jocaste of the Greek tradition were both representations of the historical Queen Tiye.

Living in Truth; Archeology and the Patriarchs by Charles Pope

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© William Theaux 1949-1999