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Negroid Nefertiti ?

Author : Zenon Kelper

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The serious probability that Akhnaton left Egypt alive, and later the Sinai, alive again so that his Initiation would be realized in the Orphean/Oedipian tradition, implies to question the root of the Aegean phase as well as the Hebrew report of the flight (Nefertiti identity the former, the Exodus the later).
The Aegean attraction can be found in Nefertiti's origin, and the Amarnian period with its Minoen art. may be recounted in the Hebrew record of Moses overture.

With a special contribution from R.D.Morningstar
The development of this thesis can be found on member site.

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On the base of HAMO thesis, which exposes to the public,
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I have limited their consultation insofar they are advanced researches,
which may shock the public and shake the Academia.

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public pages regarding the participants in Akhnaton's identification on site:

Akhnaton, Moses, Oedipus, Triple Hermes, Freud, Lacan, Velikovsky, Osman, Theaux.



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