William Theaux's studies and interpretation of the Akhnaton case began in 1985 - when he was concurrently renovating the Ancient Art of Memory (see the setting of PLAN in Part Two). This is an abstract of his discovery :

It has always been suspected that Moses was a High Priest in Egypt, if not a Ruler. The Jewish tradition suggests it as well as Chirstianity until the Renaissance, when it suggested that the Monotheist Pharaoh Trismegistus see Hermes Trismegistus page was probably Moses himself. However, in lack of a hard evidence, the collective knowledge maintened a legend and a mystery (Traditionally, Moses' identity is veiled, and the place or how he died also is unknown).
When Egyptology in 1900, discovered Akhnaton's life and disappearance and understood how its memory had been deleted from Egyptian history. It was simply obvious that there was possible evidence for the identification of Moses. History shows that by 1912 Psychoanalysis was in charge with the responsability to investigate this issue. Freud worked on it during the two Wold Wars and published his interpretation (meaning that the name Moses was the memory of murdered Akhnaton) a few days before the second World War began. For decades after Freud, no one dared to continue this examination as if something was too dangerously revelatory.

Yet danger continues lurking in this situation : the denial of evidence cannot be sustained for a long time, before a neurosis and eventually violence will break the repression or destroy the records. At the present time, the neurosis is reflected in the neglect of our environment and the identity of civilization may weaken. Perhaps certain information was indeed lacking for Freud, before Psychohistory could offer a complete and constructive interpretation of the origins of Monotheism. This possibility is strongly suggested by two indications:

Firstly, not only Moses, but also Oedipus seem to have represented the vanished pharaoh; the former in Israel, the latter in Greece. Plays by Sophocles as OEDIPUS AT COLONUS indicate clearly that Akhnaton, in exile, flew a second murder attempt (thus releasing the Jewish tribes from a guilt burden)
Secondly, Egyptology offers great details about Akhnaton's family. His mother and grand-father are well-known, and prove not to be Egyptian but, in all appearance, Hebrew. Therefore Akhenaton, Jewish by his mother, makes an historical evidence entirely in accordance with all Sacred Scriptures. These two essential pieces which were unknown in Freud's time, and allow nowadays for an invigorating resource in our present time of civilization. With Akhnaton's lineage deciphered, a series of logical consequences follow, as disclosed in the thesis of Ahmed Osman.

However, a third precaution needs to be taken at that point. The long endurance of the repression of the memory has not only altered the Jewish collective emotion, but also the Christian history.
The end of the 20th Century shows that - once it is possible to reconciliate the Hebrew Tradition with a renovated and greater view of the past (Moses-Akhnaton, and also Oedipus, humanized by Freud) - a threat persists which endangered Christianity.
This is very well represented by the excellent Egyptologist and Historian Osman who has had the courage to gather and face the 20th Century data until he reached the conclusion of non-historical evidence in the case of Jesus. His interpretation about the last 'Hero' on the Bible is illustrated by a graph which may be completed below, in a more advanced version. This is the third precaution that William Theaux took in charge. He showed that the duplicated series of pharaohs that Osman depicted can be extended beyond Israel. By including Greece in this original model of Civilization, Christianity also reconciliates with the critical elements that Archeology brought to the 20th Century.

Pic.10 : Comparing with Osman's this picture shows a memory structure which includes Greek evidence,
Instead of Osman's identification of Jesus with Tut, this complete model supports a true historicity for Christianity
which includes a Latence phase (Psychoanalysis) instead Osman's Critical Gap.

For an exploration of Theaux' approach more in detailed - see the following pages

The first connection in the 20th Century, between Moses and Akhnaton, by Freud (in 1938) - and how Freud fell back after his discovery (logic of the Unconscious repression)

The first connexion in the 20th Century, between Oedipus and Akhnaton - by Velikovsky (in 1960) - and how he likewise felf back in the repression, by subjection to the same psychological law

The Triple Identification of Moses, and Oedipus, as Akhnaton - by William Theaux (in 1985) based on Freud and Velikovsky

The description of Moses and Akhnaton as being the same person, by Ahmed Osman (in 1990), on an Archeological and Egyptological basis

The recognition of the Triple Hermes (Trismegistus) as being the memory of Akhnaton during Middle-Ages and Renaissance, by Wiliam Theaux (in 1992) based on the historian Frances Yates.

Other pages :

Moses, Akhnaton from the Biblical data
Oedipus, Akhnaton from the Hellenic data
S.Devi, an acknowledgement of Atonism from India, in regard to the Asian spirituality
Western Civilization, a description of the continuing effects in Europe of Akhnaton, Moses, Oedipus or Orpheus.

See also Dr William Theaux full bio catalogue

© William Theaux 1949-1999