The DNA code always applies well to social comparison - for instance, we know that within most of the modern States, human things and events are ruled by codes whose edicts are regulated by two articulated institutions: Senate & Parliament, which operate with their respectives and analogues series of codes.

Likewise, if we consider an abstract global genetical poll within an environment, it can be illustrated like a unique universal system of codes, based on the principle of two series (usually known as units in the individual cells as chromosomes)

This is an illustration which amateurs of the Tao will undestand at first sight. It illustrates the integral regulation by the two interwined (red/green) series of the DNA coil, similar with two institutions (Senate/Parliament) which rule a country.

It also shows it as a wholly closed system - which maynot evolve.

Following a principle and its fundamental stability, Nature and life would, nevertheless, not last long in a constantly changing environment. Beside the first principle of closure and memory, the 'country' or the genetic pool must exert a mechanism to allow for adaptation or evolution.

This mechanism is what a Senate and Parliament provide within the State when they confront the projects of modification or new laws. Similarly, sexuality operates within Nature.

This illustrates projects, proceeding from the two legislative intitutions, which eventually merge if fitting laws (articles, genes) result for the country.

Likewise male and female DNA coil split to constitute two sexual cells which eventually merge if they happen to constitute an organism which fits with the environment.

This process allows new arrangements and combinations in a modern State, or likewise in the genetical poll.

This integral system, global and sexual, realizes the automatic and natural process which may have sustained life during millions of years of evolution. A tuned balance between stability and variability has allowed for the durability of DNA, as we know it on earth.


Besides globalisation  and sexualisation , a third mechanism may occur with humankind. Although fiction, it is not unrrealistic to imagine an extremely powerful intelligence which would edit and efficiently manipulate the laws through its own individual ability.

In the genetical field, this is not 'fiction' - it is what genetic engineering realizes.

Apparently, genetical engineering has begun with civilization. The tribal laws of marriage introduced a semi-natural conditioning of sexual unions - this having been absolutely supra-natural when a naming (patronymics) began to apply onto a genetical singularity (e.g. the male lineage of the Y chromosome). Compare with this dim, soft and slow genetical manipulation, genetical engineering today is not only based on a Y particularity - for it applies to all and every parts of the DNA. This is similare to the foresaid powerful intelligence which would arbitrarly create laws.

The sexual function is not the dominant regulator for DNA's duration anymore - Genetical Science imposes a much more powerful tool - so powerful that it will - either rapidly distort and destroy the entire pool, which will not be able to endure its intensity - or help sustain a duration, for instance in a very perturbated ecosystem.

Once the stakes are understood, with the Collective and/or Artificial Intelligence, it is a responsibility to realize today a preservation of the DNA.


© CYBEK of New York, 1999.