DNA Groups are related to the fact that DNA is a memory process. DNA carries the alibity of life to remenber itself and to endure.

The nature of this ability - which includes fundamentals cybernetical rules - has been disclosed for a long time - through sacred and esoteric teaching in Ancient Knowledge before its current scientific update; it was known in the past as Art of Memory.

The Art of Memory is described and enacted in DNA Group. It illustrates a method in simple terms - all Fundamental Principles are simple; re. for example Entropy, illustrated with Demon's Maxwell - which is actually rearranged in the Art of Memory. The basics are represented by an individual and his will to realize himself (his wishes, his desire) - this primal function of Existence is set in question when the individual disappears, deceased.

There follows a description of the functionning of a DNA Group:

A schema shows a member leaving the group.

The Art of Memory is the protocol which allows to correct this loss and re-apply his will within the collectivity which embed its presence (his DNA, his body, his representation etc...).

The full memory system of life is a mechanism which maintains, re-apply or double an existencial experience throughout periods of time - for instance, without this historical expression - called elsewhere reincarnation - DNA would be just a manifestation of an existence without purpose (e.g. materialism).

A schema shows the reinstatement of the member's will in his DNA groups.

This very simple procedure shows a philosophy which may be the monothistic idea of permanence as well as the scientific figure of Cybernetics.

This primitive illustration is the very simple set that our mind uses to conceptualize memory, and that our enterprise practices to apply the Art of Memory

So the combination of DNA (as a molecule) with its historical expression (as an existence) in its environment, is the function of DNA groups, which apply the principle of the Art of Memory:


After a century of research and development, Sociology  and Psychoanalysis reveal, among psychological laws, a specific egocentric rule - comparable in constancy with the astronimical Law of Gravity - which reflects a trends which drives any Societies, collectivities or institutions, any human groups..
Theistrends is to concentrate on, and constitute an ideology or a leadership.

This centrifuge orientation is a constant fate in Life organization - father lineage, familly constitution, horde, professional groups, nations etc... It represents a way for memory preservation, which includes, however, a rule of breach or seizure which is universally or philosophically represented by death.

A schema illustrates for instance the submission of a member who enters the symbolic community (this may be in taking a role, becoming an ancestor in death etc...).
This ego - in case of human collectivity, disappears in a dimension that we usually call 'Absolute" - this can be meant by death.

Any civilized being, for instance, delegates so, to his collectivity, the representation of his existence - and reappears (or reincarnates) from the opposite direction... as in a circular universe - because it is our set of mind - by the Grace of Existence which pays back to the former surrender. Yet, in relation with the sacrifice, or death, this reward of an identity through a seizure is given with an attached conditioning which is Morality... or Ideology, or even fascination in a leadership according to a grade, or de-grade of development.

A schema represents the return of the identification in the social 'absolute'. It gives the opportunity to illustrate the Principle of the Ideal in a collectivity'.

For this capital "I" that it displays, in the center of the group, figures the egocentric factor, the Ideology, the concentration motive of a collectivity.

Regarding DNA group, this mechanism shows that there can be no deposit of one's DNA within any usual institutional system - which would avoid or be spared, eventually, and necessarly, from an Ideology, or even a political abuse.

This rapid illustration shows the distinction between the moral guaranty of Institutions and the individuality that Ehics preserves.

It is by this addition of the logic of ethics - e.g. the procedure of integrity managed by the Art of Memory - that the maintenance of the desire, individual will and wishes, is preserved within a processual and active social order.

Cybek's logo illustrates the two components of the Morality and of the Memory which combine to form a Society and a civilization.


A note must be added, for the brief but abstract expose above does not depict what is the specificity, the tool or the mean, which makes the difference and the alternative between the natural and basic ideological regime and the ethical memory maintenance.

What in the DNA Groups, prevents the expression of an individual will to be alienated by a further ideological system, like with any other institution?

To answer this question, the maintenance of the desire through memory - the Art of Memory - is indeed dependant of a tool, a protocol, a specific organization which is disclosed by Sociology and Psychoanalysis, and which is applied in the DNA Groups.

Again a schema would illustrate this alternative for the Absolute, by the figure of a condenser. For instance, in the very ancient myth of the Art of Memory, this component was carried by the symbol of Castor and Pollux (twin Gods representing Death and individuality). In the modern times, it would be represented by certain cybernetical formulas. In the case of DNA Group, this processing instance is represented by Cybek.

We invite the reader to refer to the hot links to explore the social and psychological analysis which explains the cybernetical set of the Art of Memory's management.

© CYBEK of New York, 1999.