This page presents the current running researches on the blending of psycho and sociology since such fusion (as it is also occurring for all other Aristotellian Species - e.g. sciences, i.e. specialities of Science) is in process - due to Cybernetics (cyber-technologies).

NOTE : I use the word 'Cybernetics' for the entire new technology system  of the nineties - and I don't mean by 'Ecology' a ideology of preservation. I use the word Ecology to designate the process of transformation which implies entities with their environment.

The necessity to integrate the civic regulation in a psociology - is similar to the necessity to integrate the culture, or the language and the history, in a psychology; I began this analysis in 1985 - I update it for my New York experience, beginning with the help of MailList exchanges. Here follows a summary of the first letters:


Division of Labor has been a major step for a socio-industry - which has been caught in a political process, that made it even much more important for our civilization.

Sociology did not exist as a science in Europe before the 20th century. The idea of a scientific object which would relate to the society was brought to the University only in 1900. E.Durkheim defined this new science with its object: the association - its field : the division of labor - and its cause : the anomy.

In 1901, politics completed this very opening of the century. The Republic voted a definition of Moral (probably preluding the vote for a definition of the Reason by the Democracy... yet it is another story - e.g. future). It was decided that Moral was represented by... the association.

Indeed the Republic was raising up - as soon as possible (2) - the wish that the Marquis de Sade (1) had expressed - "in an effort for being revolutionary thou should not represent your morality by any individual human being."

A comparison may help to grasp how important this 1901 law has been for the European society : let us suppose that the US Senate, in order to update its allegiance to God, would take the "atom" for the definition of the Soul. It would have effects on the nuclear, abortion, genetics, plastic industries and others... Though this comparison may seem eccentric, it is exactly what happened in France in regards to the social organization. The law has ruled the object of the Science of Society by the status of the republican Moral Entity.

I interrupt the summary of the introductory letters, for someone interjected at that point (the whole correspondence is archived in the member area). Someone wrote :

M. Theaux, I propose we are more in the business of perfecting Ellul's concept of technique as it applies to our consulting work, than we are interested in working out a Hegelian subject-object dialectic on the theme of deconstructing associative consciousnesses created by legal fiat.

JS ended his message with: please go to a library, we are not interested with History.

So I resume my expose which continuously shows that the various Models, Systems, Ideologies converge now, for certain reason regarding the environment.


Ok ok, Durkheim, Freud, Lacan, Kant, Hegel, Weber, Ricoeur, and Sartre, all billshut ! We need to open the bill to grants, fund raisings and other business for not-for-profit. So I must explain what I think of Ellul, for A.Huxley and I.Illich - no metaphor - gave birth to my mind.

No doubt that Money is the praxis - and there is no difficulty to shift the quarterly trio of psychoanalysis up to a sixth tempo for an hexis topology that I shows here:







There you see Elull's perception of the client becoming a tool while the product of consumerism turns into a consumer itself. This figure shows the exact coincidence between Ellul and Lacan, as probably with the series of post-middle-ages above mentioned. See also the classic Lacanian 3x2 hexis (Republic & Democracy)

There are some links to refer this model and show a variety of Ellulian representations. Dynamic of the Hexis, Resolution of the Totalization, Political point of view, Freud 's and Lacan's socio-categorizations.

But there is a flaw in Ellul's The Technique--Ellul's would not disclaim that,
from the moment when he relies on God, he declares a flaw in his secular concept.
Here is the flaw that JS pointed out with me:


When JS suggested me to "go to the library  ! (... and let us buzz alone)," it was too paradoxal to evade the anguish he questions with Ellul.

Ellul raises the horror for The Technic as a tool - a kind of cause - for salvation. Yet someone who has written 50 books in his life cannot escape to have writing in horror. This is moreover indicated in the suggestion of his disciple when he bitterly ironises. So it asks a question.

The Letter - alphabetization - is The Technique. The Golem is created on the Sinai. This is what Moses understands before he duplicates his Tables - this is why Ellul is so tangled up in the subversion of Christianity, covering Moses law, as the Media veils the world it projects.

Herein I shall not give more detail, about this ancient foundation that I have made explicit in such abundance elsewhere for everyone to see. Here I shall simply make precise what are the consequences of Ellul's flaw (and the consequences if I retreat in the library) :

There is an 'absolutization' indeed of The Technique that I describe in the political page which shows the "absolute waste" which results of the alphabetization - or The Technique - if it is "reflected" in that which is supported by Psychoanalysis.
Because he could not solve the Christian Complex (and restore the Middle-Ages Knowledge of the foundation of Monotheism - re: the Trismegistus that one can still see in such monument as the Sienna Cathedral - i.e. the mentoring of Alchemy) Ellul could not operate the reversion (to complete the so-called subversion) that Durkheim proposed between a Mechanical Solidarity and an Organic Solidarity. This alternative is shown in the second graph of the political page and quite clearly illustrated in the ecological pages (analysis and summary).

It shows the way to escape the "totalization', "absolutization" of The Technique - by the effects of Memory and processing of the Code (after and versus the Letter).

In his fascination with the "one" absolute Moloch (The Technique), Ellul wears off the "many" - he misses the plural organization, patiently and delicately composed by the Division of Labor.
In the mass of the slave community, in the Cave, the 'division', has dressed a network of relations, which is the Code to set the biological order of an ecology.

The division of Labor - the Lacanian Significand - and History, Memory, cannot but help an Ellulian to perfect Ellul's achievement.

All this is enough to claim for my stand. But JS could not stand it
for he does not see how it helps to raise funds for the not-for-profit.
So, we would like to know
How JS uses Ellul's concept of the Technique to get money ?
This is my question



(1) Re : Sade's commentaries upon his own text - intending to show what was the result for empowering a human being with the interpretation of the desire - explicitly enounced in his famous pamphlet to the French revolutionaries. (back)

(2) The essence of the 1789 Revolution being the 'direct consultation', Direct Democracy, it could not be applied in its own time. But a century later, the first telephone communications became part of the reality. The event was so important that it even founds Psychoanalysis - as reported indubitably (via the complex certainty of an omission) in Freud's first book. It is obvious at the end of the century that the way for Direct Democracy was opened at that time, with this invention - so the Republic could immediately begin the democratic process of referencing the Moral in the association. (back)

© CYBEK of New York, 1999.