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Recovering Memory
in the 20th Century

Author : Zenon Kelper

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The most important aspect of the legend of Akhnaton (Trismegistus, Hermetica, Asclepius, Esculape) is Medicine. For many centuries Medicine has been considering individuals and only in a very minor extent collective hygiene. But when human knowledge precipitates as today, suddenly the barreer between individual health and environmental interference is broken down. In this new situation, with supor, we realize that we have no medicine for human groups. It may be a desastrous lack.

Fortunately, a better understanding of the past corrects this apprehension: Archeology and History reveal that until 1600AD, Hermetism supported the three levels of health: physical, psychological and sociological. Is it a practical resource after four centuries of oblivium? Perhaps is it unsufficient for overcoming the terrible confusion that politics has caused in place of medicine. On the other hand, when the healing forces of realism and science combine with recovered memory, it draws a powerful drive. As a matter of fact, Atonism (the motive of Akhnaton) is such opportunity for a unified consciouness on Earth.
An excellent book from Savitri Devy - a Western writer who was living in India - helps in showing that Eastern and Asiatic culture are to welcome Atonism, and since the Western world is now rediscovering it as its Primal Scene, there is a dramatic possibility for a commun ground.

This opportunity is the base for a medicine of human groups & individuals. Atonism was a genuine scientific ecological project based on the union of plurality (Atonism culminated at the peak of the egyptian extension over the Ancient World). Akhnaton's project was already superseding politics, though in its time it has been defeated by politics. Today's situation is different with new technologies, but the union opportunity is the same. It took the entire 20th century for understanding and disclosing the role of Akhnaton and his city Amarna - at long last the mystery unfolds. This is what the reader may enjoy from this site, which is one of the first academic work to be published without intermediary, directly on the web, as a symbol of this new occasion of world gathering.

You will find with this site

Historical review of the consequences of the discovery of Akhnaton by Egyptology

Studies and description of the role of Cybernetics in Mass Psychology

Restoration of the Hermetic Art of Memory as a therapeutic for Society

Many other essays (300 pages) - and the possibility to download a file of the site, for off-line study

Former version of this page can be found on

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Including more that 300 web pages , books and archives which cover the identification of Akhnaton by Zenon Kelper  from 1985 to present.

Plus Charles Pope's latest demonstration of the entire similarity between the Bible and Archeology

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