The Negative Detour

by Dr William Théaux
2000 August





This page constitutes the NEW EDITION of Collective Knowledge and political systems

Initially, it was itself presented as such:
This page presents basic notions for understanding the process
which resists to truth in the University's Good Will itself,
complexifying its project to distribute knowledge
(the story begins with Socrates and the slave)

and in its present form/edition, it goes further, investigating
how negativity is processed by the metaphor,
and is integrated hence within Truth.



The Negative Detour

   How names are given to what has no name yet   





 Behind Freud 

   To put it clear and brief Psychoanalysis began with a dilemma to Freud. He completed his medical training in Paris, studying hypnosis with Charcot, and practicing cocaine as well. One has to make a choice between these two ways of experience. As it is usual, Freud's choice was enabled when a third opportunity arose and was swiftly repressed (while both cocaine and hypnosis failed, he forgot his telephone and consequently failing to cure a patient, he invented Psychoanalysis - see his 1895 essay). So repressing the early Artificial Intelligence (Cybernetics/electronic apparatus), he built a topology (Fig.1a) where biology (Cocaine; S) meant psychology (hypnosis; S'1) by the mean of a metaphor (Psychoanalysis; S'2) - that means the unknown (Cybernetics; x), yet manifested by what is produced (prohibition; s''). It was in the same period of time that Linguistics was beginning to make a science out of the language; hence inaugurating formula, algorithms, mathems etc..:


 Lacan starts 

   These pictures, Fig.1a & 2a, are taken from Lacan's family copyrighted book (goto note 2000-07-30; re: Miller:LeSeuil against Hamiche:L'Ecriture) where Lacan's most obscure piece of text (answering Perelman's Idea of Rationalism and Ruling of Law, in 1960/61) confessed his opinion about public knowledge:


 Zenon continues: 

   If the learning that the University distributes is an "ocean of false science" - the next step in turn, or the next generation, knows Science as a metaphor for 'false'. What is the 'naming' then, that is supposed to make the knowledge after this alibi? It is the same one that patents genes - it is a corpus of so-called observation stamped by the copyright of its scientists. It is all the opposite of the Corpus Hermeticum that is 'aobject'  see doc identification Hermetism, Grey Literature, New Age  for the historians, as the Bible for Behaviorists Egyptologists see egroup discussion post#203 (in extended EBook) , as Grey Literature that the WWWeb actualyzes.


But how can this be proven?


 Psychoanalysis operates 

   Experience and observation shows that anger and/or avoidance make the usual attempt for tackling the issue of the patented, titled and awarded, debasement of knowledge. But violence and ignorance do not jump over the fence, like analysis does when it uses Psyche to let the signified popping out. Language always proves to be there - and releases its truth whereas the answer is blowing in the word;

When flat language becomes a lake, its plain meaning mirrors 'what her' truth

Fig.4a: When the observer moves to S'2 (psychoanalysis position), its perspective gives access to
an intimate mechanism of the Mother Tongue, where the initial alibi for the metaphor is revealed.
Here we see how negativity (
false) is processed during naming the world:
Copyright makes Truth stolen as confessed within the word.

   This is not a joke, it is another example again, that constantly shows for who wants to see, the mastership of the language and the Unconscious, revealed in the wits as Freud made it noticed. Non-specialists need again just to know that Freud inaugurated the culture of Psychoanalysis with three early pillar books: about dreams, about slips and about wits, play on words etc... this has been inaugurating a practice of language that is reasoned and typical of Psychoanalysis. Yet this is not all of Psychoanalysis - the topology of its activity also distributes its agents into places (as seen in an Egroup experience and analyzed)



   When humankind considers giving name to things and beings of the world - probably in order to survive the hazard of a cosmic condition - it has to process what has no name, what is unknown and what cannot be named at a certain point in time. 'Science' is how its collective knowledge operates in this issue - hence by the mean of negativity (since no word, nothing 'positive' can be used), lie, censorship etc.. even violence when its analysis fails. 'Science' has to be false, like propaganda, and then, after, analyzed - and then it become con-science.
   This way it is revealed that knowledge begins with a 'null' degree and/or Grey Literature - that The Veil identifies with Hermetism ; it is soon 'super-determined' and/or overwritten with a 'full degree' (see the redundant '1' in an history of discourse). But this Absolute way to totalitarism meets an opportunity in the Psychoanalytic view that discloses clues for Truth in the texture of the language.

   For instance in Fig.4a shows the Optical Model in 'Psychoanalysis' position where the Subject, moving in place of the Copyright that secures hes name, looks back at the ID that hes Academia certified, and reads through the ripple of the mirror-language - in the 'lak' of sense - that he was copyrighted 'pirate'. This is to reply questions about 'what is 'Psychoanalysis'. Psychoanalysis is this true Science that accesses Truth - but there is not need to say after this example how easily it can be fostered, alienated and eventually repressed. Fortunately there is an alternative to this first psychoanalytic position - see '3' when it integrates Cybernetics. Artificial Intelligence then takes Naming in charge; I am at task to unravel how money will thereby provide for the value in Ecology, as intuitively indicated in Linguistics.




© CYBEK in Grangeage 2000.