CYBEK NewsLetter May 04 1998goto first NewsLettergoto previous NewsLettergoto next NewsLettergoto last NewsLetter


The absence of popular activity regarding the preservation of individual DNA continues to pose questions.

As any Resistance shows there must partly be some justification for an unnecessary blindness. I investigated a partner of CYBEK; he answered that there were no markets for memory, and he explained that when he has problems regarding his memories, he goes gambling. It was funny enough to be indicative. Yet I want to mention first a general observation.

The Classical Culture as a mean for integral memory

a) The classical circumstance

Somebody else made me notice also, that until our present time, people used to preserve their DNA and their memories quite automatically, as a consequence of the familial rules. Most of the reproduced genome was more or less trackable for a short time - and even some genes see male Y lineage could benefit from a long shot see Cohen family and Aaron gene - while the social history persisted more or less according to the official deeds of the individual, and sometimes in a sound and nearly indestructible manner through the process of the Unconscious. These biological and symbolic ways would combine, more or less adequately, for establishing the base of memory - not only a record, but a living memory that one can call integral (i.e. the link between genes and names) see definition of life . Lately, Psychoanalysis with Lacan analysing E.A.Poe's The Purloined Letter, was able to guaranty the irresistible link which brings a Letter back to its address.
In this circumstance, it would seem that the Art of Memory is efficiently sustained along the passing time of civilization; and that it may even show a remarkable aptitude for selectivity and rigor in the combination image/place (significand/gene) which would allow this Art to discard overcharges of data. This may be a very legitimate reason for keeping this long running cultural order - while staying suspicious and reserved in regard to new systems of historisation.

b) The modern cause

Perhaps unfortunateley for the courageous keepers of the past, there may be however, a sharp necessity for revisiting the sufficiency of the old order. If we summarize in a word: digitization, the industry which has made Cybernetics in its binary form (base digits 0,1), and allowed the first algorithms for a description of the logic of Psyche (Lacan see Lacan's Cybernetics, opening his career ), we gain a simple and practical concept for a vast field gathering Ecology, sociology, Artificial Intellignece, and even Genetics. With this concept we can conceive that a special regime, or pace of writing,  has been implemented lately on our planet; and we realize eventually that this recent representation process overpasses the classical path of memorization.
Two page updates have been announced see Analysis of digital structuration & see Summary of digital structuration , where one can see how digitization debases, at first, the classical memory order of our history. Such a threat with devitalization is well understood by the many opponents of what they call the incoming Brave New World - if not the Orwellian vision of the virtual entities that Artificial Intelligence will animate. Yet their fear may be softened when they see that the 'ruin' see Nemesis before Art of Memory which is caused by a first degree analysis (Individual psychology and Cybernetics), may be restored when Mass psychology and Artificial Intelligence combine with the regenerated Art of Memory (PLAN's project).

This analysis of modernity dismisses the option of the past. The resistance to popularization of Genetics, may have good reason - yet only to a certain extent. A close look at the digitization process shows why it imposes a survival measure with the general application of the Art of Memory - e.g., the principle which applies in the preservation of DNA and Will, together.
This analysis of the Resistance gave an opportunity for an investigation of Artificial Intelligence, which has opened to an insight that I have been seeking for a long time. Even prior to 1985 when I established PLAN, I assigned myself to the understanding of what is money. The nature of money is veiled by the obviousness which accompanies pleasure; one can understand that its mystery has just been designated by the early Marxist theory, which seems to have crashed lately, without elucidation. At this point my attempt, in light of the lack of response, may seem more comical than anything else - and so, it answers well to the joke of the gambler I mentioned above. This is to say how hypothetical is the step I suggest, as following:

The meaning of money in regards to memory

Considering the synthetical schema see Freud's Mass Psychology and digitization where Freud's Model of the Crowd finds its signification in the world he apprehended (Nature where he wrote 'x' meaning the unknown of the 'exterior' see the Social access towards Nature - and Artificial Intelligence, where he wrote ' I ', meaning the Ideal, whose decline his psychoanalysis detected), there may be a place for representing what is money.

If money is neither a Significand, nor a Code, it may take place for a seriation of the Ideal. In this way, as well as the Code supports the Being in regard to the Ideal see Left to Right in the Mass Psychology Model , the numerization of the Value would support the Artificial Intelligence in regard to the environment see the Ecology of Mass Psycholgy .Yet, this simple description may encounter at first a critic: how a simple numerization could operate the sophisticated reflexive trigger of seriality as it appears with a Code? An answer is found in the fact that money may never exist in another system but as a currency. A 'money' would never stand by itself; it would always be factored in regard to another money. This may not have been emphasized by K.Marx, yet, for this reason Money would have a Code potential that would authorize it as the substrata for an Artificial Intelligence which interfaces with an Ecosystem..

    Dr. William THEAUX, NYC 98/05/03 13:09:12

T H R E A D S / T R E N D S

About Akhnaton-Moses-Oedipus :
As a result of a contact with a group of people working on Velikovsky's theory, a recent page has linked to
A reading of Oedipus and Akhnaton by R.Fritzius,

A more general site on history of ecology may be found at:
AEON which is an interesting group/publication about Evolution.



© CYBEK of New York, 1999.